"Antoine Dodson Intrudes on Reality TV"

1/26/2011 Posted by Admin

"Antoine Dodson Intrudes on Reality TV"

Television News

By our guest blogger, Nick Hanover

Anti-"Bed Intruder" Antoine Dodson has found his way to reality TV, according to TMZ. The Iinternet sensation, who rose to prominence after appearing on a newscast and threatening the thug who attempted to rape his sister, was once described by The Washington Post as "strongest people we’ve seen in a while" and someone who "in this age of fake reality TV, puts the real in reality," making his appearance on reality TV all the more appropriate.

Dodson has also penetrated the Billboard Hot 100 thanks to the Gregory Brothers' auto-tuned version of his news appearance, dubbed "The Bed Intruder Song." It was this song which cemented Dodson's fame, becoming a major hit on iTunes and spawning several covers, including one cover that featured a pop punk supergroup with members of Paramore, New Found Glory and Relient K. With views of his video in the double digits of millions, Dodson could be seen on everything from The Today Show to Us Weekly, making him a far more noteworthy internet sensation than normal.

Say what you will about the idea of Dodson appearing in a reality TV show that seems to want to cast him as a Beverly Hillbilly sort leaving the "wilds" of Alabama for West Hollywood but it's pretty hard to hate the guy. Dodson has, to date, used the proceeds of his hit song to buy his family a new home and get them out of the projects as well as to set up a foundation to combat juvenile diabetes, an affliction which affects several members of Dodson's family. Dodson is also out as a gay man and has confessed in an interview with CBS that as a child he was raped.

There's no telling what Dodson's reality program will turn into and it's worth noting that it has yet to be picked up by a network, but there's no doubting that Dodson, who has been pursuing a degree in business administration, is someone who's clearly gifted at turning lemons into lemonade. With such a strong personality and an ability to tap a certain vein of folk heroism, maybe Dodson will continue to put the real in reality.

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