For Third Year in a Row, Warner Bros. Dominates The Box Office

1/04/2011 Posted by Admin

For Third Year in a Row, Warner Bros. Dominates The Box Office

Movie News

By our guest blogger, Joe Oliveto

Who says you can’t be in it for the art and the money? Warner Bros. studio is a Hollywood legend. They gave us nearly all of the greatest gangster films of all time and continue to provide a haven for mainstream directors who want to create substantial films that will stand the test of time and go down in history as cinematic milestones.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, they also brought in more money at the box-office than any other studio in 2010. For the third year in a row. Sorry, 20th Century Fox.

In recent years, that kind of performance hasn’t been too difficult when you look at the properties this studio has control of. Warner Bros. is the home of any and all cinematic adaptations of DC comics, and that means that they’ve had Nolan’s Batman films, “The Dark Knight” being an especially big earner. They’ve also got the gold-mine that is the “Harry potter” franchise, and we can only imagine the looming sadness that the executives feel now that it’s winding down. Trust us, their sorrow is even greater than the sadness felt by the kids who actually watch the films.

2010 brought a new “Potter” film, and while it didn’t have a new Batman feature, it did have Christopher Nolan’s “Inception,” which, despite being a cerebral thriller with a challenging storyline, brought in a lot of money for the studio. See, sometimes risks pay off.

2011 will bring with it the release of the last “Harry Potter” movie, so it’s possible that Warner Bros. will remain on top for a fourth year. Then there’s the third (and final?) installment in the new Batman franchise, which won’t be ready by 2011, but will hopefully be out by 2012.

There’s also Zack Snyder’s “Superman” reboot, which could be big if done right.

The present is bright for Warner Bros., and for the time being, it looks like the future is, too.

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