“Your Highness” Movie Trailer Review
Movie Trailer Review
By our guest blogger, Matthew Schimkowitz
So, it’s official--Danny McBride is the most powerful man in Hollywood. Not only has he convinced a studio to finance an insane fantasy comedy, but he’s also enlisted a strong cast and artful director to make the film.
“Your Highness” comes to us from David Gordon Green, director of the Criterion Certified “George Washington,” as well as the fantastically maniacal stoner-action-comedy “The Pineapple Express.” James Franco was in that film--and he's back for this one.
Along with McBride, Franco plays a knight sent on a magical quest to save Princess Zoey Daschenel. Their road is hard and on it, they meet many mystical creatures, as well as Natalie Portman: Warrior Princess.
The whole thing looks like an excuse for the cast to play dress up, yet the material already appears strong enough to expect success.
McBride’s been riding high after the excellent second season of his HBO series “Eastbound and Down” (of which Green also directs), and Franco follows suit in that he's hitting the award circuit with his acclaimed performance in “127 Hours.” With each actor enjoying career bests, Green may once again give them a comedic home run.
Upon their last meeting, the two stars stole the show in “Pineapple Express,” with Franco’s absent-minded drug dealer and McBride’s immortal drug user, and it looks as if they’ve transported their strengths to the dark ages well.
As the trailer suggests, their humor shines. McBride never stops talking as the string of insults pour from his mouth with hilarious pauses and stumbles. His delivery always is hilarious, and with a world of unknown beings, his interpretation of it should be equally funny.
Green doesn’t let up on the action. Like “Pineapple Express,” he remains faithful to his genre, delivering great beasts, high adventure and grand settings.
“Your Highness” looks to be crowned king of 2011’s comedic court, and with a trailer this strong, there’s every reason to be excited by it.
Below is the trailer. What are your thoughts?
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