"Glee" Episode 12: “Silly Little Love Songs”
Television Review
By our guest blogger, Catherine Fuentes
I didn’t believe that a Valentine’s Day themed episode of ‘Glee’ could become my favorite episode of the season. I also never would’ve guessed that an episode noticeably lacking Sue Sylvester could also become my favorite episode of the season.
Boy, was I wrong.
The reason why this simple episode topped all others for me – most importantly being Sunday’s big budget Super Bowl episode – was that this episode was completely driven by plot. The interactions and the relationships of the high school kids was front and center, and flashy performances really didn’t have much of a place here. Things seemed as genuine as they could possibly seem on an episode of ‘Glee.’ And bonus points that this episode focused on two of the funniest, most interesting characters outside of Sue Sylvester: Santana and Lauren.
Another reason why I enjoyed it so very much: two Dalton Warblers performances in one episode. I’m even willing to look past the fact that one of those performances was a totally cheesy and highly embarrassing performance at the Gap.
In hopes of wooing Lauren, Puck decided to serenade her with Queen’s “Fat Bottomed Girls,” his pick for the love song assignment. Whether things work out between them or not, to me it really doesn’t matter: Puck is my favorite male character at McKinley High, and the fact that the always-funny Lauren just isn’t feeling him makes his courtship even more unexpectedly hilarious.
Over at Dalton Academy, we learned the not-so-shocking truth that Blaine does not reciprocate Kurt’s feelings toward him. Blaine performed his love song, Robin Thicke’s “When I Get You Alone,” for his crush, a Gap manager, at the Gap store during the day. It was as close to a flash mob as ‘Glee’ will ever get, and while this is something that normally would have had me rolling my eyes, I can’t disapprove of any Dalton Warblers performance. I’m sure that I don’t have to tell you that Blaine’s performance did not wind up in him getting a date with his crush, but at least we know there might be some hope down the road for Blaine and Kurt--the two are going to take things slowly as friends.
Back at McKinley High, Finn was acting like the big man on campus after winning the big football game, so he felt it appropriate to open a $1-per-kiss kissing booth to raise funds for the glee club. While his revenue won’t be a tremendous help for New Directions, his booth effectively ended things with Rachel and started things up again with Quinn. I really don’t care what happens with this little love triangle, although I do like Rachel best when she’s single, so maybe this will all work out.
Another musical standout was Artie singing yet another Michael Jackson song, this time one of my favorites, “P.Y.T” accompanied by Mike Chang’s slick dance moves. To me, this was significantly better than Sunday night’s “Thriller” rendition.
Tina sang a tearful version of “My Funny Valentine” to Mike, which deteriorated into an awkward, embarrassing mess, which leads me to believe that you have to be really talented to make yourself sound that bad.
Given 'Glee'’s love for Katy Perry, and Rachel’s love for the extravagant and the obvious, her love song was Katy Perry’s “Fireworks,” presumably sung in honor of her new totally single status. It may have been an obvious choice, but I really enjoyed it. I think she sang it incredibly well, and I think she needed a moment with a contemporary pop hit and this was a great one.
To close out the episode, Kurt threw a party at Breadsticks for lovers, single friends and those in between, which – no surprise – was everyone, where the Warblers sang their second song of the night, Paul McCartney’s “Silly Love Songs.” Beautifully done. I know that the backing vocals of the Warblers are really the Tufts Beelzebubs a cappella group, but their harmonies are so tight and perfect, and the actors genuinely look like they’re having a great time performing. They’re the musical breath of fresh air ‘Glee’ desperately needed.
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