Thursday, March 13, 2025

Albert Brooks May Appear in Next Apatow Comedy

3/25/2011 Posted by Admin

Albert Brooks May Appear in Next Apatow Comedy

Movie News

By our guest blogger, Joe Oliveto

It’s been a long time since most audiences have heard anything from Albert Brooks. He’s been working, but he hasn’t been in the limelight, and many young filmgoers may not even recognize the name.

However, according to Deadline, that may soon change, as Brooks seems to be in talks to appear in the next Judd Apatow comedy. Word is that Brooks may play the father of Paul Rudd’s character, the same one that Rudd played in “Knocked Up.” Leslie Mann will be returning as his wife, and word is that Megan Fox will show up as well.

Other than that, details are hard to come by, but whenever Judd Apatow writes and directs a film, it’s comedy gold. Even “Funny People” was memorable, although uneven at times. That film reminded audiences that Adam Sandler has talented, and this next picture might remind audiences that Albert Brooks, well, exists.

For die-hard fans of comedy, this pairing is like a dream come true, and we hope that it comes to fruition. While Apatow represents a new generation of comedy, he clearly owes a great deal of his success to performers like Brooks, and it would be a treat to see these two legends work together. It seems fair to assume that they’ll have us laughing, and that’s all that we ask.

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