The Last Winter: Movie Review, Preview, Trailer

9/18/2007 Posted by Admin

The Last Winter

Release Date: September 19, 2007 (NY)
Studio: IFC Films
Director: Larry Fessenden
Screenwriter: Larry Fessenden, Robert Leaver
Starring: Ron Perlman, James LeGros, Connie Britton, Kevin Corrigan, Zach Gilford
Genre: Horror, Thriller
MPAA Rating: Not Available

Review coming soon...

Studio Synopsis: "The Last Winter" is a gripping psychological thriller from indie-horror maverick Larry Fessenden ("Wendigo," "Habit"). The harrowing tale of an Alaskan oil-dredging expedition gone mysteriously awry, the film mines timely, very real fears for classic chills – a grown-up ghost story for our ecologically unstable times.

Evoking the stark terrain of John Carpenter's "The Thing," Fessenden urgently explores the frightful consequences of man's disruption of the natural world – mother nature's coming wrath in the era of global warming. Distinguished from the current glut of splat-pack diversions, "The Last Winter" is an intense and soulful work of true horror, with unshakable images and compelling performances by its ensemble cast.

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