Stargate Atlantis: Complete Third Season DVD (2007)

9/15/2007 Posted by Admin

Stargate Atlantis: Complete Third Season

(Originally published 2007)

Essentially a sci-fi Western, this offshoot of "Stargate: SG-1" features stargates, Pegasus galaxies, underwater cities, the cannibalism of the Wraith, and The Ancients, human ancestors who built their city 10 million years ago and who had to flee it for reasons better left for you.

Sometimes you wish the series would take a cue from “Firefly” and lighten up, but then the action, amplified beyond reason, generates a groundswell of excitement, not to mention admiration, and you get swept up in it in spite of yourself.

A fine improvement over what came before it, with the writing better, the storylines leaner, the characters richer.

Grade: B

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