Winners! Veronica Mars Complete Third Season Giveaway!
Out of the thousands and thousands of you who signed up for Week in Rewind and sent e-mails confirming your registration to our daily news letter, which is filled with current theatrical reviews, movie news and DVD reviews, it comes down to two winners, each chosen at random. They are:
Angela Hyatt of Boston, Mass.
Patrick Moore of Indianapolis, Indiana.
Congrats to you both! The DVDs soon will be on their way!
Since so many of you signed up, we decided to make things more interesting. We've selected five readers at random to have their names added an additional five times in each successive contest, which we run weekly at Week in Rewind.
To respect privacy, we will offer only the first parts of their e-mails; since they receive our daily update, they'll know they were chosen. Congrats to you guys--your chances of winning next week just got fives times more likely!
VeronicaMars Fan
Thanks to Warner for offering the copies--Week in Rewind appreciate it (so do Angela and Patrick).
As for next week's drawing, stat tuned. It will be posted later today.
Please tell your friends about us--one of the fastest-growing movie review sites on the Web.
October 23, 2007 at 4:14 PM
So close yet so far away. =( Can't wait to see what the next giveaway is.
October 24, 2007 at 6:44 AM
exactly, but still, thanks a lot...
i'm also looking forward to see what's next giveaway about.. though nothing can compare to VM :)