Hollow Man: Director's Cut: Movie Review, DVD Review, Blu-ray disc Review (2007)

11/04/2007 Posted by Admin

“Hollow Man: The Director's Cut: DVD, Blu-ray”

Nevermind the characters. The first thing to disappear in Paul Verhoeven’s 2000 film “Hollow Man” is the movie's interest in its premise, which vanishes thanks to a script more interested in gore and horror movie clichés than in exploring the tantalizing prospects of becoming invisible.

Fine special effects abound, but those effects are undermined by unremarkable characters and ridiculous exchanges of dialogue ("Let me ask you another question," says one character. “Is it about who’s going to be on top?” answers the other).

Kevin Bacon is Sebastian Caine, an arrogant scientist who, along with a team of other scientists (Elisabeth Shue, Josh Brolin, Kim Dickens, Greg Grunberg, Mary Jo Randle), has discovered a formula for making people invisible.

After injecting himself with the formula, Caine disappears, but instead of exploring the moral ramifications of what it means for mankind to have the power of invisibility, the film takes the easy way out.

To serve the box office, it sends Caine on a cliched killing spree.

Rated R. Grade: C-

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