I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry: Movie Review, DVD Review, HD DVD Review (2007)

11/04/2007 Posted by Admin

"I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry"

So, here’s the joke.

Two firemen--Chuck (Adam Sandler) and Larry (Kevin James)--decide to get married when Larry, a widower, learns that his children won't be covered by his life insurance policy should he die on the job.

Apparently, the only way to right that wrong is to get married, with the film hooking its comedic bandwagon onto one wobbly caboose.

Since Larry loves his dead wife too much to consider marriage to another woman, he decides to go for playboy Chuck, a loudmouth creep who reluctantly agrees to become Larry's domestic partner so they can trick the system.

What will they serve at their wedding? How about a big slice of homophobia?

Beyond the fact that the movie has critical issues with stereotypes--the Asian community, for instance, also should be thrilled by this mess--the real sin here is that the film isn't funny, it's stuck in a time warp, and its forced ending of tolerance and acceptance is so disingenuous, it's enough to make you want to bend over, pick up the soap the movie drops and hurl it at all involved.

Rated PG-13. Grade: D

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