GIVEAWAY: Adventures of Young Indiana Jones 3!

4/22/2008 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is very pleased to offer a giveaway of
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones Vol. 3!

The retail price? $129.99!


We're giving away THREE copies, and winning is simple.

To win, sign up for our RSS feed or our Daily E-Mail Update of all the latest movie reviews and news, make sure to let us know you did so by sending us an email at, put INDIANA JONES in the subject header, CONFIRM YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS BY RESPONDING TO THE EMAIL SENT TO YOU (this is critical--you MUST respond to the email sent to you and confirm or you won't be entered), comment in the post itself--and that's it!

Three winners will be drawn on Tuesday, May 27, 2008 and the set will be shipped to the address you provide to us once we contact you.

Remember, you can't win if you don't sign up and remain a member for the duration of the contest. So sign up!

We never share your information with any third party--Ever.


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  1. Anonymous said...

    Please count me in! I want to win because Young Indiana Jones can do anything to me with that rope of his that he wants!

  2. pintolinda said...

    I would love to win this adventure.

  3. Anonymous said...

    I love Indy's adventures and have friends in love with Indy...

  4. Tracey said...

    cool giveaway. would love to win it!

  5. Anonymous said...


  6. Richard Brandt said...

    Maybe I can't still remember when I was young, but I can always remember when Indy was young...if I win!

  7. Anonymous said...

    My friend would love this surprise.

  8. LMcLendon said...

    Creating A Home Collection!

  9. Unknown said...

    So glad that they finally made this onto dvd. Seeing a couple of episodes on tv here and there was quite frustrating because of the few i had seen. It made me wish that they combined all of them into a TV marathon and run it once every year, so we couldn't miss it. The part of the tv series that i had watched and read, left quite an impression on me (really educational and made me feel that i was there hook up in the adventure). I wonder what else Indy can teach myself and others close to me? So i would love to win this prize to find out.

  10. davien said...

    Pick me!

  11. Anonymous said...

    I've seen Vol. 1 & 2 and would love to get Vol. 3 to complete my set.

  12. Anonymous said...

    ^ me too.
    I already have the first 2 volumes because I love this series and I would have bought this 3rd volume if there wouldn't have been released Indiana Jones - The Adventure Collection in the same time. Because of that, I had to chose which one to buy and I bought Indiana Jones - The Adventure Collection.
    So it would be great if I win Young Indiana Jones volume 3 to finally complete this collection.
    If I'm not that lucky, I'll have to wait to have the money :(
    Thanks for this opportunity ;)

  13. susan1215 said...

    This is a great show, my kids would love this.

  14. Fangirl Jen said...

    This show gave a glimpse into how Indy became the man he was in the movies. These adventures set the stage for his battles against the evil people of the world.

  15. taterbug said...

    I absolutely loved these movies. Now that my grandchildren are a little older, I would love to view them again and share it with them. These are such memorable movies that appeal to a wide age range audience.


  16. pierce said...

    please enter me. thanks for the contest

  17. toasters lie said...


  18. Anonymous said...

    can't wait to see this

  19. Traumajunky said...

    I loved the original IJ movies and think that my daughter would really enjoy these. After letting her watch them, perhaps we can go see the new movie together.

  20. janetfaye said...

    Thanks for all of the great Indiana Jones giveaways!

  21. Unknown said...

    have not seen young Indy!

  22. janetfaye said...

    This is the only one of the series that I have not seen, and I would like to see it.

  23. bobbin said...

    Nice prize, thanks.

  24. Anonymous said...

    I am new to this movie. I heard about it but never watch(I am from another country). Please give me the opportunity to meet Indiana Jones!

  25. denyse said...

    We'd love to add this to our collection. We love all the Indiana Jones movies!

  26. linett said...

    should be interesting

  27. Anonymous said...

    I remember watching the series on TV when I was little. My sister and I would pretend that we had our own great adventures (in the backyard). I've wanted to own these but can't afford to yet. I'd love to win this to inspire that adventurous imagination in my own daughter as she grows up - to share a part of my youth with her.

    candykorn1231 (at) aol (dot) com

  28. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to watch this :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


  29. Julie Donahue said...

    Indiana Jones rocks!

  30. Anonymous said...

    My disabled wife of more than 38 years just LOVE Indiana Jones movies. Thanks for all the great contests!

  31. Donna said...

    Nice prize, thanks

  32. jbeckett said...

    I just graduated and have some spare time for a change! Watching this would be a great way to relax!

  33. Anonymous said...

    I would love to give this to my husband! Thanks for the contest!

  34. Michw37 said...

    count me in

  35. Anonymous said...

    I want to win this DVD for my son. He would be extremely happy if I could give him this prize.

  36. Anonymous said...

    Haven't seen this yet, but would like to.

  37. Sue Farrell said...

    I like the old Indy--now I'd like to see him when he was young.

  38. Leslie said...

    I loved this show when it was on. :)

  39. Becky said...

    I just bought the hubby the whole durn Indiana Jones box set for his birthday so the Young Indiana Jones would be a great edition for his collection. plus it's great eye candy for me..

  40. koldar7 said...

    I would like to win :)

  41. Dave said...

    I loved this show as a kid. Please sign me up to win.

  42. reddon30 said...

    I remember seeing the original in the theaters and have loved the movies since. Thank you.

  43. Anonymous said...

    I've never seen it so I hope I can win it

  44. calgirl said...

    A great adventure movie for our library

  45. ssaphyre said...

    Love the Indy movies - Would love to have this one.

  46. Anonymous said...

    My man's whip dried up long time ago. His whip'll work just fine. Peace Out!

  47. Anonymous said...

    This was my brother's favorite show. He died of cancer three years ago. I'd like to have this to remember those time we watched it together. Thanks so, so much for this giveaway.

  48. ELE said...

    Love these movies

  49. Samantha P said...

    i'm really into watching people change, and since these are the years of him changing, this would be like perfect for me

  50. Anonymous said...

    cool, young indiana jones, so that's like prepubescent, acne, squeaky voice, AND adventure!

    i need this!

  51. Anonymous said...

    We'd love to see this. Big adventure fans here.

  52. The Gauf Family said...

    I would like to win this simply because I have never seen this one

  53. Anonymous said...

    I used to watch this show when I was younger....I loved it!

  54. william said...

    I want To Win

  55. samf36 said...

    Young Indy is great. He has such adventures.

  56. Anonymous said...

    I Would Love To Win Because I've Never Seen The Young Indiana Jones Series

  57. purplepassion126 said...

    I want to win so that I can complete my Indiana Jones knowledge!

  58. abeaudet said...

    I've never seen this series, I'd love to!

  59. KristenH said...

    I was a huge fan of this show when I was younger as was my dad. I thought it was great and would really like to see it again on DVD. That is why I would like to win it so much. This is a great giveaway and I really hope I win. Thanks.

  60. Anonymous said...

    This is a wonderful series, but it was hard to find the third season of movies without cable. I'd love to pop this puppy into the DVD machine!

  61. Tammy said...

    Lovely. I should like very much to see them, I remember only catching a few episodes of this when it was on television. Now that our daughter is old enough to jump on the Indy bandwagon, it would be fun to explore history and imagination through this venue!

  62. Anonymous said...

    I would love to win this because my neighbors are sick of loaning me their movies... seriously though, Indiana Jones is awesome and my whole family would really enjoy it. Thanks for the contest.

  63. Anonymous said...

    Have not seen this season yet, but I would love to own it! Thank you for this opportunity!!

  64. Anonymous said...

    sign me up! godan(at)comcast(dot)net

  65. eluckstead said...

    Who wouldn't want to see how it all started!

  66. mrstrooper said...

    Missed this Indy adventure and would love to see it!

  67. Charlene Kuser said...

    I love Indiana Jones.Please enter
    me would love to win this awesome