The Invisible Man: Season One DVD Review (2008)

4/13/2008 Posted by Admin

“The Invisible Man: Season One”

From the Sci-Fi Channel, a series in which inprisoned thug Darien Fawkes (Vincent Ventresca) is offered a deal he can’t refuse.

His brother will help bust him out of prison so long as Darien agrees to take an experimental drug called Quicksilver, which promotes invisibility.

Not wanting to remain in the pokey any longer than necessary, Darien decides to go for it, which leads to all sorts of complications when his brother is knocked off and Darien is left with something called “Quicksilver Madness.”

Strange times and invisibility ensue, and while it’s doubtful that H.W. Wells would recognize any of this, there’s no denying that this short-lived, well-written show had its moments.

Grade: B

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