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On Blu-ray disc are two superior films, beginning with the release of Milos Forman’s Academy Award-winning 1975 film, “
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” which has lost none of its power or timeliness. Jack

Nicholson and Louise Fletcher star opposite (and against) each other in a tense movie about one individual’s moving, funny, tragic and ultimately harrowing fight against the establishment. Cheers to Warner for offering it in such a crisp, high-definition transfer.
Available from Sony is Stefan Ruzowitzky’s excellent, Academy Award-winning foreign-language thriller “
The Counterfeiters,” which is set during World War II and follows a group of Jews who

had a talent for forgery during a time when such a skill could keep you alive while those in the same concentration camp died unimaginable deaths.
It’s a chilling, dicey film, one that never turns to melodrama but instead relies on the truth of its tale, which in this case is based on the life of Salomon Smolianoff (Karl Markovics, superb).
Ruzowitzky also wrote the script, and what he wrings from it via his

direction is key to the film’s success--no embellishment was needed to tell the story of a man who had the difficult choice of using his skills to help fund Nazi Germany, which at once kept him relative comfort while fueling the deaths of his own people. Ruzowitzky knew it was enough to tell the story straight, that the urgency would come through on its own, and he was right. It’s an unshakable movie, one of last year’s best.
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