GIVEAWAY: Playstation 3 Update (11/9)

11/09/2008 Posted by Admin

Nov. 9, 2008: Time is running out on this giveaway, so if you're in it to win it, here is another shot to get your name in our database as often as possible.

This is the simplest entry yet. Comment on this post on why you want to win the Playstation 3. That's it. Don't email me the answer--just comment below.

See? Simple.

Why do you want to win? Comment as often as you like.

Good luck!


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  1. Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

    Because I have a 13 year old son who usually gets pretty cool gifts, but throughout the year his 5 sisters get more things than he does.

    This would tide him over, for another two years.

    And I'd be his hero.

    As a single mom, I could use the extra hero points..


  2. rebecca said...

    After having a baby and going to 1 income for the last year, my husband has worked really hard to pay off our kid, and keep on top of the bills. A PS3 is a gift I could not afford to give him, but he would love to have. As they say work hard, play hard. We got the first part, we need the second now.

  3. windycindy said...

    Hello! I have two sons that do not have a PS3. They are good students and just all around great human beings! If I would win, they would receive the PS3 for Christmas. The other reason I would enjoy winning it is that if I wouldn't keep it for our sons, I would give it to a Youth Home that is sponsored by our church. Thanks, Cindi

  4. Anonymous said...

    So I can see the amazing films you review and critique in amazing resolution and sound. And because if someone has to win it, it may as well be a really good person!!

  5. AkariK said...

    Because my dad has always wanted a blu-ray player (and it 2in1s as a christmas present for myself!). (this doesn't stack up to the reasons above, but this is all I've got...)

  6. Anonymous said...

    well I WAS comparing the ps3 and the xbox360, they are both the same price, the 360 has the 120gb while the ps3 only has the 80 BUT the games

    ITS ALL ABOUT THE GAMES and the games for ps3 are just a whole lot more fun

  7. wesley1955 said...

    duh....Why wouldn't I. Thanks.

  8. Anonymous said...

    Why do I wont thee so?

    HMMMM...good question. Actually, I want one because it would be something worth having. I would have something AWESOME to give to everyone in my family, I'd be the hero in my home (for the kids anyways) and I'd play some really fun games with my kids!!!

    On a more serious note, our finances are totally shot and we just cant buy and enjoy any of the finer things in life. I think that this PlayStation 3 is awesome and top of the line. I want it because, well, sooner or later our DVD player will go out and this could definitely replace that.

    Finally...I WANT TO WIN!!!! This is just too, too perfect and I'd love to be named the winner!!!!

    Thanks so much for this giveaway!
    -Barb :)

  9. MewzMe2 said...

    I would like it cause i never had one before. It could be some fun for me on cold winter days that are on there way here in MI. Brrrrr

  10. Ken said...

    I've always been the last to get a nextgen game system so if I win this I would be up-to-date for the first time.

  11. dbadour said...

    I want to win this because I'm an old lady on a fixed income who loves games and movies.

  12. Sahndya said...

    I'd love to win it as a family Christmas present. Blu-Ray for Mom and Dad; video game system for myself and my siblings. Like most entering to win it, I can't actually afford it, but it'd be awesome to win one.


    I have a group of kids who have been wanting one- not begging, but subtle hints- they know it is not in the budget but they dream of one day having one. With the economy the way it is- money is even tighter and definitely this is a luxury, as will the holidays this year..budgets are tight and well I would love to surprise them with it, we always cannot get what they want or husband cannot do because of disabilty but we try and we figure we have some of the best kids in the world because they stay out of trouble and love their family. They would be so overjoyed to win this!

  14. Anonymous said...

    I would love to win this for my boys. I am a single mom & can't get them one this x-mas. Thanks C

  15. Alibi said...

    Back again for another entry!
    Thank You :)

  16. Amy said...

    I think its something for the whole family, I can use its blue ray capabilities for movies for my two year old and I...I LOVE movies...and my husband has ben wanting this. He's getting bored with WOW.

  17. Amy said...

    Mostly though, I think I want it because my husband is working hard and he contracts to the military (aviation) so he makes pretty good money, but we're a new family but an older couple so in a short period of time we will be dealing with a new child(he's two)and, sooner then we think, retirement, and school for our little one. Plus my career requires CEU's each year and we all help out my mom and he's returning to school soon to change careers, so anything this awesome for free - nice! I hope my name is randomly picked!

  18. Alibi said...

    I want to win this because we are still playing on an old gamecube. We'd have already bought a new system but since we just got our first house all our extra seems to go into different projects around the house and of course because the PS3 is COOL!!

  19. four2vero said...

    Hello. I want to win this Playstation for my husband. His xbox died a while back and he has been wanting a Playstation so badly. I recently lost my job, so I cannot afford one. This would be a wonderful Christmas present for him. Thank you.

  20. klp1965 said...

    i would love to win this for my 12 year old son jordan..he loves video games and he usually plays at his friends house..i would love for him to stay home once in awhile and this might do it :)

  21. four2vero said...

    I also want to win it because the Playstation system seems amazing!!!

  22. Anonymous said...

    I'd like to win it for my 14 year old son. Such a good kid he deserves it.

  23. Anonymous said...

    I'd like to win it because I think our PS2 is on it's last legs.

  24. Unknown said...

    i love Sony

  25. Anonymous said...

    I want to win this because my 12 yo son always loves video games and his PS2 doesn't work anymore and right now I just can't afford another game system. This would be a great Christmas gift!

  26. Anonymous said...

    My boys would love having this Playstation 3! They have wanted one since they came out.
    I am in it to win it and I want it sooooo bad! :-)

  27. Anonymous said...

    I lost my job today due to cut backs and my 2 boys (ages 12 and 14) would love this, as I have said before. My husband, my hero, loves playing video games but all 3 of them would just flip out if I could give them this for Christmas! Things are going to be rough in the months ahead and Christmas will be slim especially with a high school senior and a college student too in the home. I would just love to win this and know that I did my part toward helping with the boys Christmas and making it a joyful one.
    Things will be better.
    Happy Veteran's Day everyone!
    Thanks Christopher!
    I am in it to win it Now More Than Ever!!!!!!

  28. Admin said...

    Aaaaaaah! I wish I could give you all one!!!


  29. Unknown said...

    I love free stuff, and this would be an amazing win. Plus, I can't afford a PS3 normally (college student with only income from a poorly paying job as a calculus tutor), so this it's a win-win situation for me :-D (unless I don't win of course).

  30. Unknown said...

    We bought a new HDTV a few months ago and we would love to be able to play blu-rays

  31. Jeffrey said...

    I hear great things about the PS3, and it seems like the best option to bring a Blu-ray player to my family room. I've been after one for over a year now. Do I need more reasons? Oh, it looks really cool, too.

  32. Cary G said...

    I want to be able to play the BRD copy of Blade Runner I got as a gift. Plus I really want to play Mirror's Edge, as it looks like the first game in a long time that I'd get a system to play.
    Unfortunately unemployment precludes that, darn it.

  33. disneyfanheather said...

    I want to win because I don't have a PS3 and I have wanted one for awhile! Of course, there are quite a few games I would like to play. And I really love the fact that its a blu-ray player also! This would be REALLY awesome to win! :)

  34. Lobbyman said...

    I have two reasons. I would like to utilize the blue ray capabilities. Most of all my girls, my wife and I would all enjoy playing on the PS3. As always, Thanks for the opportunity!

  35. AmyLynn said...

    I'd love to win this for my husband, who is a huge gamer. We've wanted one for quite some time, but its kinda of expensive. We love the fact that we could watch Blu-ray movies on this system too. Thanks so much for this giveaway!

  36. stimpy1515 said...

    I love gaming and the blu-ray player is a added bonus but so far a PS3 has been out of the old budget

  37. Anonymous said...

    We are a family of five and my husband and two sons are hard-core gamers. We've wanted to upgrade to the PS3 since they came out, but unfortunately it's way out of our budget, so I'm trying everything I reasonably can to win one (hint, hint).

  38. Anonymous said...

    My boys have been asking me for a Playstation3 since it came out. I get post-it notes with PS3-PLEASE written on them & attached to everything in the house. It's funny because they can't remember where they put their lunchboxes, where they left their sweaters or what they did in school....but they NEVER forget the POST-ITS!!!!!! lol Thanks Carolyn

  39. Anonymous said...

    I have no sad story, no bad circumstances. I just want to play games and upgrade my Bond collection to Blu-Ray.

  40. Anonymous said...

    i have no sad story either. i am enjoying the chance at upgrading my movie viewing and gaming. if i win fair and square WOOHOO. but if i dont my kids and i will still have a wonderful life. YAHOO DOORAY. thank you,chris, for running this contest.

  41. peanutshk said...

    My nephews would love this for Christmas!!!!

  42. Unknown said...

    i'd love the ps3. my kids are growing up and its a great way to get together as a family.

  43. Anonymous said...

    I would love to win this for my 2 boys. They have been saving their allowance to buy a PS3 but they only get $5.00 each a week. Needless to say, they will not have saved up enough to buy it this Christmas. I would love to surprise them with this great gift. Thanks alot for giving us a chance to win one. C

  44. Anonymous said...

    I would like to win a Playstation3

    The joy of winning,not to mention ;
    winning a Playstation

  45. Pricousins said...

    I NEED to win this for my son who I've been promising a new PS2 to - and I can't even afford that! so... that's why!

  46. Anonymous said...

    I would like to win the Playstation 3 in order to give it to my younger brother for the holidays.

  47. Anonymous said...

    I would love to win so I could watch movies which I am told are so much better on a Playstation, I also am not able to afford to buy one myself since I am unemployed. My taxes keep rising so I cannot but things so nice as this. My sons would also love to have this for Christmas. I hardly ever win anything so nice, but I will keep trying.

  48. rebecca said...

    I wanna win...because winning is fun.

  49. rebecca said...

    Come on, make my day! I also want balloons, and a giant check...but a ps3 on its own is good enough.

  50. rebecca said...

    Sometimes when I get bored, I like to play games.

  51. rebecca said...

    My brother bought a ps3, and I gotta keep up with the Jones's.

  52. rebecca said...

    My favorite number is the Ps3 is right up my alley.

  53. rebecca said...

    Winter is coming, and its hard to go outside when its all cold and snow filled...ps3, take me away.

  54. rebecca said...

    What the heck? Is this one of the newer ps3's that aren't compatible with ps2 games?

    But Harvest Moon...must grow more addicted...

  55. Gedaly said...

    I have 4 other roommates and we need things to do in our house!!!

  56. Anonymous said...

    My kids would be so happy to receive a PS3 for Christmas and I would love to be able to give them one. I am a single mom & just got laid off. Needless to say Christmas will be a little bleak this year. This prize would sure help us out. Thanks. C

  57. rebecca said...

    Can we say Blue-Ray disc? That's reason enough.

  58. rebecca said...

    Forget all the reasons people want to give them to their undeserving (cause really what kid deserves a fine piece of machinery like this) children...I really want this for myself. And no the baby will not touch it, except to watch movies, at least for a few years.

    Aren't they pretty though?

  59. rebecca said...

    As I slowly earn money (cause work at home it not whats its cracked up to be) I realize that earning $20 takes hours, and a $400 ps3 is so out of my mad money budget.

  60. Pricousins said...

    because if I "save up" to buy this, we'll never have another game platform in my house again! life as a single mom.