12/04/2008 Posted by Admin

The Playstation 3 and the iPod Touch/Bose giveaways are winding down. We've been running them for several months now and nearly 900,000 of you have emailed your entries, many religiously, day in and day out. A few thousand of you also have left comments on the giveaway sites, so good for you. It will be a completely random drawing, but the more times your name is in each giveaway, obviously the better your chances.

Looking forward, above is a glimpse of the next major giveaway. Look for that to hit the first week of January and to extend into March. As always, the DVD giveaways will continue each week thanks to the generosity of my most excellent studio reps, who always come through to offer some seriously good DVD promotions.

Can you tell what the above item is? Let me know in the comments section.

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  1. Cary G said...

    Well, as the first poster, I'll say:
    Keeping with the theme and all that.

  2. rebecca said...

    I agree with Cary G. Looks like part of the Wiimote.

  3. Anonymous said...

    It's totally a Wii :) Yay! :D

  4. R said...

    wii saw what you did there.

  5. Anonymous said...

    It's definitely a Wii!

    If we're right, do we get an early entry?? ;)

  6. Anonymous said...

    Have to agree with the group, it's a Wii!! Wii all must be right.

  7. Anonymous said...

    I think it could be a Wii too.


  8. Anonymous said...

    Looks like the new Macbook to me.

  9. Riri said...

    Wii'll see!

  10. Anonymous said...

    That is a MacBook! I have one and know that box!!!! Aaaaaaah!

  11. Anonymous said...

    I'm going to agree with Cheryl and
    say that it's a MacBook.

  12. wesley1955 said...

    I'm thinking Macbook.

  13. Pricousins said...

    looks like a Wii to me

  14. Anonymous said...

    I suspect the Wii is coming. Love the site. Keep the quality coming and god bless.