Fill in the Blank

1/17/2009 Posted by Admin

When I look at what's become of Joaquin Phoenix, I want to ____________________________.

Post your comments in the Comments section. We'll post the winner here shortly!

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  1. Anonymous said...

    Buy some RID and soak him in it.

  2. Anonymous said...

    Scrub my stove top with his face.


    Clean my chimney with his head.

  3. Anonymous said...

    Buy him a new cardboard box!

  4. Anonymous said...

    Bless the Gods that covered his hairlip.

  5. Imaterri said...

    Walk the Line, I mean Plank!

  6. Anonymous said...

    Shake my head, rub my eyes and do it again.

  7. Wes said...

    Sign him up for the Jerry Garcia bio-pic!
    Tell him that LSD induced beatnik phase went out a looong time ago.
    (is that a diaper on his head?)

  8. wentintoadream said...

    ...go into denial.

  9. Anonymous said...

    I want to say some extra prayers for him.

  10. kate5405 said...

    Introduce him to my daughter...NOT!!

  11. Riri said...

    Put his photo on a Milk Carton. This can't be him???!!

  12. Anonymous said...

    Give him a couple of bucks for a McDonalds Value Meal and the directions to the homeless shelter.

  13. Dixie said...

    Tell him that Grizzly Adams called and said that he wanted his face back.

  14. Anonymous said...

    Knock some sense into him!