GIVEAWAY: Conspiracy?

1/27/2009 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of

Own it on DVD February 24, 2009!

Thanks to our friends at A&E Home Video
for this opportunity!

Product description:

"We all know things are often not what they seem. But how many times have shadowy schemes, twisted plots, and secret conspirators been behind some of history's most newsworthy events? Was Princess Diana the victim of a tragic traffic accident, or a murder scheme? Was TWA Flight 800 brought down by a missile rather than a faulty fuel tank, as the official report says? Was that a flying saucer that crashed in the desert scrubland near Roswell, New Mexico? And what about strip club-owner Jack Ruby? Did his murder of Lee Harvey Oswald signal a far wider conspiracy in the death of John Kennedy? These 12 top-rated episodes from HISTORY looks at all sides of these and other tantalizing questions. Using or iginal documents and interviews with experts and eyewitnesses, it enables viewers to reach their own conclusions. CONSPIRACY? will have you thinking again and again about the history you thought you knew."

We are giving away FIVE copies and winning is easy.

The contest will end on April 14, 2009.

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It might give you an edge.

To further increase your chances of winning, leave a comment on this post. You can do so below in the "Comment" or "Post a comment" sections.

Once that is done, sign up for this contest by clicking here and following all of the directions carefully.

Good luck!


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  1. Douglas0327 said...

    Conspiracy theories really intrigues me. Please count me in for an extra chance. Thank you

  2. Unknown said...

    would like to win!

  3. sallyanne03 said...

    Please enter me for the Conspiracy? giveaway!

  4. chromiumman said...

    there's a government plot to prevent me from winning

  5. mverno said...

    i'll conspire to win this one

  6. agordon10 said...

    my crazy wife would like this

  7. Anonymous said...

    I would love this

  8. windycindy said...

    This one has my name written all over it! Many thanks.....Cindi

  9. Ken said...

    I've spent the last forty years wallowing in paranoia. I want the truth. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

  10. Anonymous said...

    I would like to see this.

  11. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me. Thanks!

  12. bettycd said...

    There is never just one side to the story. When the rich and famous get involved, conspiracies are always a possibility

  13. toughturtles said...

    good conspiracy theory stuff

  14. Karen B said...

    Let the truth be told!

  15. ms-texas said...

    I'd love a chance to win this DVD! Thanks so much.

  16. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for another chance to win. Thank you

  17. rholst26 said...

    Do I sense a conspiracy hear to give this away ? Thank you very much for the chance to win this, Shuuu It Is a conspiracy So keep it quiet.

  18. Cary G said...

    This looks interesting...

  19. Dave said...

    Conspiracy theories are fascinating stuff. For the ultimate conspiracy theory, check out the Zeitgeist movie. That one positively scared me. Thank you for the chance to win.

  20. Anonymous said...

    Please count me in to win.
    -Terra H.

  21. Sharon said...

    great prize - thanks for entry!

  22. Douglas0327 said...

    I am back for another extra entry. Thanks

  23. Theresa C said...

    JFK??? anyone.... Biggest conspiracy I have ever heard of

  24. Anonymous said...

    WOW! You guys have so many giveaway's and reviews, I can barely keep up!

    The giveaways are wonderful and I love the reviews, it helps me decide whether to spend my hard earned money on buying a particular movie, or just possibly renting it....

    keep up the good work.

    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  25. Douglas0327 said...

    I am back for another entry. Thank you

  26. Douglas0327 said...

    I am back for another entry. Thanks

  27. Douglas0327 said...

    I am back for another chance to win. Please count me in. Thank you

  28. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for an extra chance to win. Thanks

  29. Theresa C said...

    back for another entry

  30. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for another extra entry. Thank you

  31. Anonymous said...

    please enter me!

  32. Anonymous said...

    please enter me!

  33. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for another entry. Thank you very much.

  34. Douglas0327 said...

    I am back for another chance to win this dvd. Thank you

  35. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in again for another chance. Thank you very much!

  36. Unknown said...

    I am a subscriber would love to win thank you

  37. Anonymous said...

    Back for another Daily entry.

    Have a great Wednesday!
    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  38. Anonymous said...

    Back for another Daily entry.

    Have a great Thursday afternoon!
    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  39. djgroz said...

    Thanks for the extra chance

  40. Anonymous said...

    Back for another Daily entry.

    Have a great day!
    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  41. Anonymous said...

    Back for another Daily entry.

    Have a great afternoon!
    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  42. Anonymous said...

    Back for another Daily entry.

    Have a great day!
    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  43. WHOOPLA said...

    Shows like this are interesting but you can't read to much into them.

  44. Anonymous said...

    Back for another Daily entry.

    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  45. Anonymous said...

    Back for another Daily entry.

    Have a great day!
    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  46. Anonymous said...

    Back for another entry

    Have a nice day!
    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  47. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for so many wonderful DVD giveaway!

    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  48. Theresa C said...

    Back for another entry

  49. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for so many sensational DVD giveaway!

    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  50. KristenH said...

    Wow. I would absolutely love to watch this DVD especially since the concept of it intrigues me so much. I really hope I win it so I can see it. This is a great giveaway. Thanks.

  51. Anonymous said...

    So many DVD giveaways...

    So little time!

    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  52. Anonymous said...

    entering i have never twitted in my life

    weblynx at

  53. ms-texas said...

    I'd love a chance to win this DVD! Thanks so much.

  54. Anonymous said...

    “the WINNER ain't the one with the fastest car its the one who refuses to lose”
    Dale Earnhardt
    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  55. susan1215 said...

    Sounds like a good movie

  56. Anonymous said...

    Conspiracy theories really intrigues me.

  57. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in one last time for an extra chance to win. Thank you!

  58. Maja said...

    enter me