Wednesday, March 26, 2025

GIVEAWAY: Escape to Chimp Eden: Season One!

1/21/2009 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
Escape to Chimp Eden: Season One!

Own it on DVD February 3, 2009!

Thanks to our friends at Genius Products
for this opportunity!

Product description:

"Journey into the depths of South Africa and experience the fascinating events at Chimp Eden when “Escape To Chimp Eden” Season One arrives as a two-disc DVD for the first time on February 3 from Genius Products and Animal Planet. Heartfelt series follows conservationist Eugene Cussons, a South African rescue director for the Jane Goodall Institute’s Chimp Eden, as he travels throughout war-torn African countries to rescue neglected and abused chimps. Once brought to the sanctuary of Chimp Eden, Eugene works hands-on with these challenging chimps, sometimes putting his own safety on the line to teach them basic skills such as climbing trees and foraging for food. “Escape To Chimp Eden” Season One provides viewers with compelling stories that are both educational and adventurous. Timed with the Season Two premiere on Animal Planet in January."

We are giving away FIVE copies and winning is easy.

The contest will end on March 31, 2009.

To double your chances of winning, leave a comment on this post. You can do so below in the "Comment" or "Post a comment" sections.

Once that is done, sign up for this contest by clicking here and following all of the directions carefully.

Good luck!


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  1. Mysharona said...

    better than escape from new york? :)

  2. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me. Thanks!

  3. Erica C. said...

    looks good!

  4. Unknown said...

    I'd love to win!

  5. Anonymous said...

    I love this show, and I do not have cable. I would love to watch the DVD, but not as much I love what you are doing for these beautiful Chimpanzees.

  6. Ordell Knot said...

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. jacquelinc said...

    I love what these people do and this is a great giveaway.thank you.

  8. Anonymous said...

    Great, this is the kind of stuff I like to watch.

    adrnlize at aol dot com

  9. mverno said...

    get to chimp out of hell

  10. toughturtles said...

    go chimps

  11. Anonymous said...

    I love the message this show sends :)

  12. redron said...

    want to win this

  13. Anonymous said...

    my daughter loves this show. She's a little Elmira!

  14. Anonymous said...

    This is one of my favorite shows on TV.
    -Terra H.

  15. Anonymous said...

    Hi- Am a supporter of this show and Chimpanzee Eden. If anyone wishes to support and/or help this tremendous cause- Chimpanzee Eden, SA-please go to the website to do so. It is a fantastic undertaking, and my deep respect goes out to this family of people who saw the need and put their all on the line to do this. Check out the website!

  16. sallyanne03 said...

    I have never seen this series...looks great! Would love to watch it with my familY!

  17. windycindy said...

    I love animal shows. Please enter my name in your drawing. Thanks, Cindi

  18. sallyanne03 said...

    would love to be entered for this thanks!

  19. Ordell Knot said...

    1/24/09 - Thanks for the giveaway!

  20. rholst26 said...

    Thank you So much, I love Chimps.

  21. sallyanne03 said...

    please enter me to win! Great giveaway!

  22. tholix said...

    I would love to win this for my daughter...she is a fanatic about monkeys !!

    Thank you for a fun giveaway !

  23. Dave said...

    Animal Planet produces some amazing television programs. Thank you for the chance to win.

  24. Theresa C said...

    I love to watch animal shows, enter me to win please

  25. Kara Jane said...

    I love monkeys!

  26. djgroz said...

    Tanks for the contest!

  27. Anonymous said...

    I would love to see this show- monkeys are fascinating creatures!

    c81280@hotmail dot com

  28. jacquelinc said...

    Chimps are so cute and owning this would be the ultimate.Thanks.

  29. Karen B said...

    Animal Planet has such great shows - thanks!

  30. calgirl said...

    Ape Eden, I hope I win.

  31. Tempest52 said...

    Love to win! Thanks for the opportunity.

    dlcwin AT gmail DOT com

  32. Sharon said...

    great prize. thanks for entry!

  33. chromiumman said...

    great show

  34. Anonymous said...

    please enter me!

  35. Anonymous said...

    would love to be entered.

  36. Theresa C said...

    back for another entry

  37. bl776132 said...

    Would love this! PIck me!

  38. Theresa C said...

    back for another entry

  39. Anonymous said...

    I saw the previews for this but have somehow missed the show--please add my name! Thank you for the contest!


  40. WHOOPLA said...

    Animal shows are great.

  41. Anonymous said...

    Pick Me! Pick Me!

    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  42. Anonymous said...

    Pick Me! Pick Me!

    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  43. Anonymous said...

    Enter me again please

    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  44. blogggggg said...

    I love animal planet!

  45. Diana D said...

    This show is new to me. Thanks for having the wonderful giveaway.

    dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

  46. Anonymous said...

    Back for another Daily entry.

    Have a great day!
    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  47. john ferris said...

    I did not know chimps has their own Eden. Please count me in.
    john ferris