Tuesday, March 18, 2025

GIVEAWAY: Top Secret!

1/21/2009 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
Top Secret!

Own it on DVD February 3, 2009!

Thanks to our friends at Paramount Home Entertainment
for this opportunity!

Product description:

"If you were sitting around wondering if the guys who brought you "Airplane!" and "The Naked Gun" are crazy, the answer is "yes!" And "Top Secret!" proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. "Top Secret!" pits American rock 'n' roll star Nick Rivers (Val Kilmer) against the dreaded East German High Command while the musician is on-tour behind the Iron Curtain. It's a race against time as Nick teams up with Hillary Flammond (Lucy Gutteridge) to find her father before he can create the ultimate super-weapon: the Polaris Mine. Along the way, "Top Secret!" manages to do for war epics and Elvis Presley films what "Airplane!" did for disaster movies."

We are giving away FIVE copies and winning is easy.

The contest will end on March 31, 2009.

To double your chances of winning, leave a comment on this post. You can do so below in the "Comment" or "Post a comment" sections.

Once that is done, sign up for this contest by clicking here and following all of the directions carefully.

Good luck!


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  1. davidgsiegfried said...

    I would enjoy this classic comedy.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. Anonymous said...

    awesome movie :)


  3. Ken said...

    Val Kilmer in better looking times. Please accept my entry. Thank you.

  4. windycindy said...

    How funny! This is a great giveaway!
    Please enter me in your drawing. Many thanks.....Cindi

  5. taterbug said...

    I'd love to have this one. Count me in the running!

  6. mverno said...

    don't keep this one a secret

  7. Mysharona said...

    underrated movie

  8. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me. Thanks!

  9. Unknown said...

    let me win!

  10. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for a chance to win. Thank you

  11. stowelljg said...

    This is a classic spoof movie. I would like to win this DVD.

  12. Erica C. said...


  13. Anonymous said...

    I love a good comedy, please enter me, Thanks


  14. Anonymous said...

    Please add my name to the contest.

  15. Ordell Knot said...

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. stowelljg said...

    Great spoof movie. I would like to win this DVD.

  17. Unknown said...

    I'd love to win!

  18. Rhonda said...

    Sounds Fun. Love to see this.

  19. Unknown said...

    I learned a lot from this movie. Like, not to dress up in a cow suit!

  20. Anonymous said...

    I've never even heard of this movie...

    adrnlize at aol dot com

  21. Anonymous said...

    Thank You Very Much for the Chance To win this Movie Looks like It would Be a lot Of fun for My entire family .

  22. chromiumman said...

    great flick

  23. toughturtles said...

    thanks for the contest

  24. redron said...

    want to win this

  25. Anonymous said...

    Please count me in to win.
    -Terra H.

  26. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for an extra chance to win this dvd. Thank you

  27. sallyanne03 said...

    I don't know what this is...I was born in the 80s....but it definitely looks 80s! Seems like people think it is a great movie...more reason for me to see it!

  28. paryjeja said...

    This looks like fun.
    paryjeja at sbcglobal dot net

  29. stowelljg said...

    Back again for another chance.

  30. stowelljg said...

    A classic spoof movie! I'd like to win this DVD.

  31. Douglas0327 said...

    I am back again for another extra chance to win this dvd. Thank you

  32. sallyanne03 said...

    i've never seen this. would like to get into the era of my birth! Please enter me for this contest!

  33. Ordell Knot said...

    1/24/09 - Thanks for the giveaway!

  34. stowelljg said...

    Another day; another chance.

  35. Justin Gall said...

    Awesome giveaway. Love these guys so much, AND! Fellow Minnesotans. Love it

  36. Douglas0327 said...

    I am back for another extra chance to win this dvd. Thank you

  37. stowelljg said...

    Back again for another chance.

  38. sallyanne03 said...

    great giveaway...thank you! Please enter me!

  39. Douglas0327 said...

    It has been such a long time since I seen this movie. Please count me in again for another chance. Thanks

  40. stowelljg said...

    I would like to win this DVD.

  41. Dave said...

    Top Secret was an awesome movie. I remember it well. I thought it was much funnier than the Naked Gun films. Val Kilmer was great. Thank you for the chance to win.

  42. stowelljg said...

    I would like to win this DVD.

  43. stowelljg said...

    Back again for another try.

  44. Theresa C said...

    I really did love the 80's

  45. stowelljg said...

    Another day, another chance.

  46. stowelljg said...

    A great spoof movie. One of the originals!

  47. stowelljg said...

    I would like to win this DVD, so I'm back again for another chance.

  48. stowelljg said...

    Back for another chance.

  49. stowelljg said...

    Another day, another chance to win!

  50. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for another chance to win this dvd. Thank you

  51. Sharon said...

    great prize. thanks for entry!

  52. stowelljg said...

    I want to win!

  53. stowelljg said...

    Back again for another chance to win!

  54. stowelljg said...

    Back again for another chance.

  55. stowelljg said...

    It's another day and another chance to win!

  56. stowelljg said...

    Thanks for another chance to win!

  57. stowelljg said...

    Here again for another chance to win!

  58. B-MAN said...

    The Zuckers are awesome. Thanks

  59. stowelljg said...

    Thanks for the chance to win this DVD.

  60. stowelljg said...

    Back again!

  61. B-MAN said...

    Back for another chance to win. Thanks again!

  62. Anonymous said...

    please enter me!


  63. Anonymous said...

    would love to be entered


  64. Theresa C said...

    back for another entry

  65. stowelljg said...

    I want to win!

  66. Anonymous said...

    I haven't seen this movie in years. Would love to win it so I can watch it again. Thanks!
    pjgirl74 at aol dot com

  67. B-MAN said...

    It's not Top Secret that I want to win this DVD! That was so lame, please count me in again anyway.

  68. stowelljg said...

    Back again for another chance to win!

  69. B-MAN said...

    I'm back for another chance to win this awesome dvd. Thank you.

  70. stowelljg said...

    Here again for another chance to win!

  71. B-MAN said...

    Val Kilmer is in it so sign me up. The cows are just a bonus. I'm back for another chance to win this! Thank you!

  72. stowelljg said...

    Another day and another chance to win!

  73. B-MAN said...

    I'm in it to win it, as the kids are saying.

  74. stowelljg said...

    I would like to win this DVD!

  75. stowelljg said...

    Another day, another chance.

  76. stowelljg said...

    Thanks for the opportunity to win this DVD.

  77. stowelljg said...

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  78. B-MAN said...

    I'm back again to win, thank you!

  79. stowelljg said...

    I'm back again to win!

  80. Theresa C said...

    back for another entry

  81. stowelljg said...

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  82. stowelljg said...

    I hope I win!

  83. stowelljg said...

    Thanks for so many chances to win this DVD!

  84. stowelljg said...

    Back again for another chance to win

  85. stowelljg said...

    I would like to win this DVD.

  86. stowelljg said...

    Here for other chance to win!

  87. stowelljg said...

    Here for other chance to win!

  88. stowelljg said...

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  89. stowelljg said...

    Great prize! I'd like to win it.

  90. stowelljg said...

    Back again for another chance to win!

  91. stowelljg said...

    Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!

  92. stowelljg said...

    I would like to win this DVD.

  93. Anonymous said...

    I missed this when it came out--please add my name. Thank you for the contest!


  94. stowelljg said...

    Back for another chance.

  95. stowelljg said...

    I hope I win!

  96. stowelljg said...

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  97. stowelljg said...

    Pick me! I want to win!

  98. stowelljg said...

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  99. stowelljg said...

    Thanks for the great site and a chance to win this DVD.

  100. stowelljg said...

    Back again for another chance!

  101. stowelljg said...

    Pick me to win!

  102. Unknown said...

    The funniest cold war movie

  103. stowelljg said...

    Here for another chance, thanks.

  104. Unknown said...

    This will be fun to watch with a bowl of popcorn

  105. stowelljg said...

    Great contest! Thanks for the chance to win!

  106. Unknown said...

    Looking forward to being the winner. Thank You

  107. stowelljg said...

    One of the first spoof movies! It's hilarious!

  108. Unknown said...

    Here's hoping I'm chosen as winner

  109. stowelljg said...


  110. Unknown said...

    Please pick my name.

  111. stowelljg said...

    Back again!

  112. Unknown said...

    Returning for another chance

  113. stowelljg said...

    A classic spoof movie!

  114. Unknown said...

    Great contest

  115. stowelljg said...

    I would like to win this funny DVD.

  116. Unknown said...

    another day, another entry hoping to win!

  117. stowelljg said...

    I hope I win!

  118. stowelljg said...

    Back again for another chance to win!

  119. WHOOPLA said...

    Never saw this but it sounds cute.

  120. Anonymous said...


    Count me in too, please. I would love to win this!

    This would make a great addition to my DVD collection.


    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net


    I'm a subscriber and Ive sent an email.

  121. Anonymous said...

    im gonna love this movie

  122. stowelljg said...


  123. Anonymous said...

    Pick Me! Pick Me!

    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  124. theolotto said...

    Count me in.

  125. stowelljg said...

    Thanks Christopher!

  126. Anonymous said...


    Count me in too, please. I would love to win this!

    This would make a great addition to my DVD collection.


    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net


    I'm a subscriber and Ive sent an email.

  127. Anonymous said...

    thanks for another a nother great gift

  128. Anonymous said...

    This is one of the few spofs I like.


  129. Anonymous said...

    Is what happened to Val Kilmer's career "top secret?"
    pjgirl74 at aol dot com

  130. Anonymous said...

    "Top Secret" will be an interesting win! Hope I'm the winner :)

  131. blogggggg said...

    That cover is awesome. Gotta love the 80s.

  132. KristenH said...

    I'd love to win this movie on DVD. I have never seen it but absolutely love 80s movies and will enjoy being able to watch it. This is a great giveaway. Thanks.

  133. stowelljg said...

    Well, this is the last day of the contest. I hope I win!

  134. Diana D said...

    Would be fun to win. Thanks for the opportunity.


  135. Diana D said...

    Would be fun to win. Thanks for having the wonderful giveaway.

    dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

  136. john ferris said...

    Thank you for the chance to enter. This looks like an interesting comedy.
    john ferris

  137. Anonymous said...

    Back for another Daily entry.

    Have a great day!
    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  138. Anonymous said...

    i love the 80s i would really enjoy this

  139. Weird~Chic said...

    God bless the 80's!!!!

  140. Anonymous said...

    I would enjoy this classic comedy.