"A Milkshake?"

1/18/2009 Posted by Admin


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  1. Anonymous said...

    Looks like an interesting picture.

  2. Dixie said...

    Ah Bette-thank you for giving us Margot!

  3. Anonymous said...

    No one else like her.

  4. KTG said...

    One of my favorite scenes in all of film history... I always felt bad for that piece of candy that gets chewed up almost as violently as anyone in Margo's circle!

    Kathy T-G

  5. KTG said...

    Plus she's maudlin and full of self-pity. She's magnificent!

  6. Admin said...

    I kind of wanted to be that piece of candy.


  7. littlehype said...

    Kind of Weak. Although I own this picture and hears its a classic. The opening shots have been remade so many times. To me the only Milkshake I can think of is There Will Be Blood. But it was an interesting effort.

  8. Admin said...

    Littlehype, if you think this movie is weak, I don't know what to say to you other than, "We are so not on the same page."
