WATCH: Jim Caviezel in "Outlander"

1/15/2009 Posted by Admin

Above is the new poster for "Outlander," the new movie starring Jim Caviezel. Look for it to open in limited release Jan. 23, 2009. A wide release is not expected. Click on the photo to supersize it.

Synopsis: "Outlander begins when a space craft crashes into the majestic fjords of ancient Norway and into the time of the Vikings. From the wreckage emerge two bitter enemies: a soldier from another world – Kainan – and a bloodthirsty creature known as the Moorwen. Man and monster both seeking revenge for violence committed against them. As the Moorwen ravages the Viking world, killing everything in its path, Kainan forms an unlikely alliance with the primitive but fierce warriors. Combining his advanced technology with ancient Iron Age weapons, the hero leads a desperate attempt to kill the monster - before it destroys them all."

Click below for the new international trailer:

And click here to watch a clip of the movie:

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