Friday, March 14, 2025

TWO WEEK GIVEAWAY: Seinfeld: The Complete Series!

3/30/2009 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
Seinfeld: The Complete Series!

A $250 value!!

Yes! These major, two-week giveaways are so killer, we're doing it again! And what could be better than doing it with one of the best comedy shows ever! Seinfeld!

In this case, guess what? You've got two weeks to win it!

I'm giving away ONE copy. The contest will end on April 13, 2009 at 10 p.m. I will post the winner on April 14, 2009.

There are two ways to win:

To win on Twitter: Tweet the following message to your readers. Each Tweet counts as ONE entry, so Tweet as often as you want:

Just entered the Seinfeld Complete Series DVD contest! $250 Value! Win by following @WeekinRewind and RT. He follows back!

To win if you're not on Twitter:

Just go to the A-Z directory in the right margin and start clicking through the listings until you find a variation of the words "Seinfeld Complete Series" at the end of the review.

Not hard at all, particularly if you look through the M-P sections
. This is another big one, so you'll need to do some hunting!!

The phrase will be in red. Once you find it, go to this page, fill out the information, send me an email with the name of the listing that has the variation of the words "Seinfeld Complete Series" at the end of the review, and you'll be in it to win it!


To increase your chances of winning, leave a comment on this post. You can do so in the "Comment" or "Post a comment" sections.

You also lift your chances by joining this blog by doing so in the right navigation.

Make sure you're subscribed to win!

Good luck!


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  1. Dragoonxgears said...

    THANKS, great show of all time.

  2. Teresa E said...

    WOW! What a great giveaway! My all time favorite show! Just tweeted!

  3. Admin said...

    My pleasure! Go for it!


  4. wentintoadream said...

    Thanks for the opportunity! Just tweeted. "Hello, Newman." ;')

  5. The Hansen Family said...

    We love this show so much. Just tweeted, hope we win!

  6. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for an extra chance to win. I loved this show. I sent an email with the location earlier. Thanks

  7. Nina said...

    I love Seinfeld!

  8. Katmagick said...


    I do subscribe via email

    Do I have to post a comment every day that I tweet?

  9. Katmagick said...


  10. Anonymous said...

    Yes, pick me, pick me, please.

  11. Dixie said...

    Seinfeld! Yes!

  12. Edward29 said...

    I emailed and retweeted to win.
    Thx for the awesome prize opportunity.

  13. Nick said...

    I only own seasons 1-3 on DVD so far, so this would be great to win! Unfortuntately, I don't tweet (yet), so I'll have to do it the old fashioned way. Hope I win this!

  14. Double A said...


  15. Pricousins said...

    I'm in it to win it!

  16. Teresa E said...

    Found it! Just sent you a email!

  17. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for another entry. Thank you

  18. taterbug said...

    My favorite series ever! Thanks for the giveaway.

  19. phackett57 said...

    This was a funny show, I'd love to win this, thanks

  20. Steve D said...

    Thanks for this contest.

  21. Sherry and Gena said...

    just tweeted under sgibbs58 and am following you!

  22. Marc said...

    Due to work, I only saw 2 episodes on TV up until this time. Work comes first. See how much will power I have. (Smile)

  23. rkont01 said...

    I would love to win this!!!!

  24. Nina said...

    I twittered again!

  25. Steve D said...

    Back with a comment for March 31: Thanks.

  26. Angela Bailey said...


  27. Teresa E said...

    Just tweeted!

  28. Elkaye said...

    I'm not sure if I need to come here every time I make a tweet, but here's my tweet:

  29. Sherry and Gena said...

    tweet # 2 just now

  30. cigar666 said...

    WHAT CAN I SAY !!!

  31. Anonymous said...

    This is awesome!! Please count me in this great contest!! Thanks!!

  32. Nick said...

    Entry for today!

  33. Nick said...

    Tweeted twice!:


  34. Edward29 said...

    Retweeted to win.

  35. phackett57 said...

    I'm back for another chance, thanks

  36. wentintoadream said...

    Thanks again! Tweets away!

  37. Steve D said...

    I'm in again to win.

  38. Anonymous said...

    I am back again. Please count me for another chance!!

  39. Ralph Siegel said...

    A contest for a show about nothing!! I'm way in!!

  40. redb said...

    Festivus for the rest of us!

  41. Linda B said...

    It's a show about nothing. Let's see Elaine dance again. LOL

  42. Edward29 said...

    Retweeted to win.

  43. rkont01 said...

    I want to win this soo badly!

  44. Marc said...

    I've only seen two episodes of this series...not that there's anything wrong with that.

  45. Steve D said...

    Entering for April 2nd.

  46. Sherry and Gena said...

    todays tweet!! sgibbs58

  47. Edward29 said...

    Retweeted to win the show about nothing.

  48. Nick said...

    Back for another entry!

  49. Teresa E said...

    I'm back!

  50. phackett57 said...

    I'm back again for another chance to win, thanks

  51. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for another entry. Thank you very much!

  52. Unknown said...


    shel704 at aol dot com

  53. Steve D said...

    Thank you. Please enter me for April 3.

  54. Anonymous said...

    I am back for another entry. Please count me in for today!! Thank you kindly.

  55. jurrel said...

    I. Want. This. Tweeted and will do again everyday!

  56. JudyZ said...

    What a great show!

  57. Nick said...

    I'd love to win this. I've never won anything from this site, and this would be at the top of my list!

  58. Nick said...

    Tweeted again!:

  59. Edward29 said...

    retweeted to win

  60. Ralph Siegel said...

    No contest for you!! I mean, no soup for you!!

  61. Douglas0327 said...

    I am back for another extra chance to win. Thank you for having this giveaway!

  62. phackett57 said...

    I'm in to win this, thanks

  63. retrogade said...


  64. rkont01 said...

    I just tweeted!

  65. Marc said...

    April showers bring May flowers: this has nothing to do with Seinfeld, of course.

  66. Nina said...

    I'm in it to win it!

  67. Steve D said...

    Great day. Great contest. Thanks.

  68. Teresa E said...

    I'm in!

  69. JudyZ said...

    This is a great prize.

  70. Mommykat007 said...

    Great show. I became a fan about a year before the show went off the air. I would love to own this set! Thanks for the chance!

  71. Mommykat007 said...

    I follow you on twitter! Here's my TWEET!


  72. Nick said...

    Yada, Yada, Yada . . .

    Entering for today!

  73. Nick said...


  74. The Hansen Family said...

    Tweeted again!

  75. Water.640 said...

    Love this show. Would be awesome to win

  76. Lilly said...

    Great giveaway! Thanks a lot.

  77. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for another chance. Thank you!

  78. phackett57 said...

    I'm back for another chance, thanks

  79. Teresa said...

    I am happy to tweet about this generous giveaway.
    TRigell at aol dot com

  80. Edward29 said...

    in again to win

  81. Unknown said...

    Tweeted again:

    shel704 at aol dot com

  82. rkont01 said...

    One of my all-time favorites!

  83. Nina said...

    I'm in it to win this! Tweeted again.

  84. Steve D said...

    Back with another Sunday entry.

  85. Katmagick said...

    Back for todays entry

  86. Marc said...

    Happy start of baseball season. Is that a holiday?

  87. Nick said...

    This set is fantstic, so is this contest!

  88. Nick said...

    Just tweeted!

  89. john ferris said...

    Thank you for the giveaway. One of the more fuunier shows.
    john ferris

  90. Anonymous said...

    I am back for another entry!!Please count me in this great contest.

  91. Victoria G said...

    The best show! I'll be sure to re-tweet before the contest ends.

  92. phackett57 said...

    I'm still trying to win this awesome giveaway, thanks

  93. rewcath said...

    tweeted/rewcath added facebook and this would be the best gift ever Thanks for the chance to winb

  94. Teresa E said...

    Sundays entry!

  95. Steve D said...

    Looking forward to this. Thank you.

  96. Anonymous said...

    I am back for another entry. Great giveaway. Thanks!!

  97. dragoonxgears said...

    another entry

  98. Unknown said...

    Monday RT 4/6:

    shel704 at aol dot com

  99. Edward29 said...

    Tweeted to win.

  100. Pamela S said...

    Just entered!!

  101. Nick said...

    Only a week to go!

  102. Nick said...

    Just tweeted!

  103. phackett57 said...

    I'm in this to win, thanks

  104. Douglas0327 said...

    I am back for another extra entry into this giveaway. Thank you for having it.

  105. Katmagick said...

    In it
    win it!

  106. Teresa E said...

    Back for another entry!

  107. Susie Buetow said...

    I"m in!! I loveeee Seinfeld! Crammer drives me wild!

  108. Susie Buetow said...

    I'm following you..........

  109. Susie Buetow said...

    I"M a twitter fan ... susieqtpie and will tweet later! Twitter is DOWN!

  110. rkont01 said...

    I love this show!!!!

  111. Steve D said...

    Back again publishing another comment: Thank you

  112. Anonymous said...

    Back for another entry!! I hope I win!

  113. Unknown said...

    Another day, another tweet (4/7)

    shel704 at aol dot com

  114. Nick said...

    I'd LOVE to win this! :)

  115. Nick said...


  116. Edward29 said...

    re re re retweeted to win!

  117. Ralph Siegel said...

    I think there's still some episodes I've never seen!!

  118. Andrew said...

    Just entered this.

  119. phackett57 said...

    I'm back again, thanks

  120. Marc said...

    Is there going to be a Seinfeld movie, a series of Seinfeld movies?

  121. rkont01 said...

    Back again!

  122. Steve D said...

    Great contests. Thanks.

  123. maryte said...

    The complete Seinfeld series - that's a whole lotta nothin'...and I want it!

  124. Anonymous said...

    Back for another entry. Please count me in for today!! Thanks!

  125. Lynde said...

    Tweeted!! Really cool giveaway!

  126. Sherry and Gena said...

    just tweeted under sgibbs58

  127. Katmagick said...

    Tweeted again!

  128. phackett57 said...

    Here's my chance for today, thanks

  129. Nick said...

    Today's entry!

  130. Nick said...

    And . . . just tweeted!

  131. Edward29 said...

    Retweet to win.

  132. Sherry and Gena said...

    just tweeted under sgibbs58

  133. Steve D said...

    Entering this great contest for April 9, 2009.

  134. Teresa E said...

    My entry for the day!

  135. Edward29 said...

    Entered for today.

  136. Anonymous said...

    I am back for another entry. I really hope I win!!

  137. Sherry and Gena said...

    just tweeted again at 1:27pm
    under sgibbs58

  138. Anonymous said...

    I loved this show

    weblynx at

  139. Nick said...

    The deadline is nearing . . .

  140. Nick said...

    Tweeted again!

  141. phackett57 said...

    I'd really love to win this, thanks

  142. Angela Bailey said...


  143. Rick said...

    hopes for best ;P

  144. Marc said...

    I'm entering again...not that there's anything wrong with that.

  145. Steve D said...

    At last: Friday...and another entry.

  146. rkont01 said...

    This would make an excellent Festivius gift!!!!

  147. Anonymous said...

    I am back for another entry. Please count me for today! Thanks again!!

  148. Edward29 said...

    Retweeted today's entry.
    Happy Weekend All.

  149. Unknown said...

    Friday 4/10 RT:

    shel704 at aol dot com

  150. joahsgrandma said...

    I tweeted the giveaway!

    slmiresse Just entered the Seinfeld Complete Series DVD contest! $250 Value! Win by following @WeekinRewind and RT He follows back!

  151. Nick said...

    Only days to go. Hope I win!

  152. Nick said...

    Tweeted for today!

  153. Douglas0327 said...

    I am back for another extra chance to win. Thank you!

  154. phackett57 said...

    I'd love to add this to my collection, thanks

  155. Teresa E said...

    Entry for today!

  156. Steve D said...

    Another Saturday entry.

  157. Unknown said...

    4/11 RT Saturday:

    shel704 at aol dot com

  158. Nick said...

    This really is a fantastic contest!

  159. Nick said...


  160. Sherry and Gena said...

    tweeted!! 2:16pm CST under

  161. wentintoadream said...

    Tweeted! Thanks!

  162. Anonymous said...

    I am back!! Please count me in for today!!

  163. phackett57 said...

    I'd love to own this, thanks

  164. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for another chance to win. Thank you!

  165. phackett57 said...

    I'm back again to try to win this, thanks

  166. rkont01 said...

    Chris, No soup for you!!!!!

  167. Steve D said...

    Entering for Sunday, April 12.

  168. Ralph Siegel said...

    What's Jerry doing now?!!

  169. Clint said...

    I don't have any Seinfeld DVDs so I would LOVE to win this ! Thanks !


  170. Douglas0327 said...

    I am back for another extra chance to win this giveaway. Please count me in. Thank you!

  171. Anonymous said...

    I am back for another entry. Please count me in for today.

  172. Marc said...

    What's Jerry Seinfeld doing now? He doesn't have to work.

  173. Nick said...

    Happy Easter everyone!

  174. Nick said...

    Just tweeted!

  175. Teresa E said...

    entry for the day!

  176. Unknown said...

    Sunday 4/12 RT:

    shel704 at aol dot com

  177. Edward29 said...

    Greatest Comedy show in history .
    In to win

  178. rkont01 said...

    I gotta have this!!!!!!!!!

  179. Marc said...

    Last entry for Seinfeld.

  180. Sherry and Gena said...

    tweeted at 2:05am CST under sgibbs58

  181. Steve D said...

    My comment for April 13. Thank you.

  182. Sherry and Gena said...

    Tweet at 7:18am CST under sgibbs58

  183. Teresa E said...

    Last day! GLTL!

  184. Sherry and Gena said...

    just tweeted at 11:47am CST under sgibbs58


  185. Pamela S said...

    There is no such thing as too much Seinfeld! We're huge addicts here. Thanks.

    pamelashockley at netscape dot net

  186. Unknown said...

    Final tweet 4/13:

    shel704 at aol dot com

  187. Sherry and Gena said...

    just tweeted at 4:10pm CST under

  188. Helen said...

    I loved this series!

  189. phackett57 said...

    I'm back again for another chance, thanks

  190. Anonymous said...

    Love, love love Seinfeld

  191. KristenH said...

    I sent you an email with the listing. I would absolutely love to win this DVD set especially since my family members are huge Seinfeld fans and I have been appreciating the show more and more these days. This is a great giveaway. Thanks.

  192. Sherry and Gena said...

    tweeted at 8:10pm CST under sgibbs58

  193. Anonymous said...

    I am back for my last entry! Please count me in for today!!

  194. Teresa said...

    I tweeted. This is a huge giveaway, and Seinfeld is one of my all time favorites!
    TRigell at aol dot com

  195. Unknown said...

    I tweeted!

  196. kathy55439 said...


  197. kathy55439 said...

    I loved this show... could not watch it when i was married now I can so would love to win