WINNER ANNOUNCED: Sopranos: Complete Series!

Week in Rewind is pleased to giveaway
The Sopranos: The Complete Series!
A $399 value!!
The Sopranos: The Complete Series!
A $399 value!!
The winner of the "The Sopranos: The Complete Series" is Paulina D. from Houston, TX.
Congrats to Paulina!
There were more than 245,000 entries for this contest, which suggests that they better make a Sopranos movie soon. Paulina played like a pro, following the directions and entering often. She was selected randomly via this tool: .
Check out our latest two-week giveaway of Star Trek: The Next Generation Complete Series here.
As always, more movie reviews, news and giveaways on the way. Make sure you're subscribed to win!
Congrats to Paulina!
There were more than 245,000 entries for this contest, which suggests that they better make a Sopranos movie soon. Paulina played like a pro, following the directions and entering often. She was selected randomly via this tool: .
Check out our latest two-week giveaway of Star Trek: The Next Generation Complete Series here.
As always, more movie reviews, news and giveaways on the way. Make sure you're subscribed to win!
March 1, 2009 at 2:25 PM
Congratulations Paulina!
You won an awesome prize.:-)
March 1, 2009 at 7:54 PM
I. Cannot. Believe. I. Won. This!!
Thank you!
March 1, 2009 at 8:08 PM
Congrats Paullina! Awesome win!
March 1, 2009 at 11:28 PM
Congratulations Paulina I'm happy for you