The Thirteenth Floor: Blu-ray Movie Review (2009)

Blu-ray Movie Review
“The Thirteenth Floor”
“The Thirteenth Floor”
A film about time travel and dueling Los Angeles universes loosely based on Daniel Galouye’s 1964 novel, “Simulacron 3.”
There’s no question that the noirish “Floor” has its moments, particularly in its computerized reinvisioning of Los Angeles in 1937 (it's the film's best effect). But the story itself has had the computer chips sucked out of it with a been there, seen that feeling.
It’s about altered realities controlled by computers, which David Cronenberg explored in “eXistenZ,” and which “The Matrix” trilogy tackled famously. Further crippling “Floor” is its script, which again follows “The Matrix” in that it’s too dense to fully enjoy.
Gretchen Moll and Vincent D’Onofrio's performances are good, but never quite enough to lift this predictable film above basement level.
Rated R.
Grade: C-
April 12, 2009 at 5:12 PM
Wrong features listed...
I disagree with the review in that this film came out before Matrix and Existenz if I remember and I think for its' time and place, captured the alternate realities concept nicely and with some good twists. I'm always partial to D'Nofrio and he is, as usual, great in this.