Saturday, March 15, 2025

GIVEAWAY: Cannon: Season 2, Vol. 1!

5/21/2009 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of
Cannon: Season 2, Vol. 1!

Own it on DVD June 2, 2009!

Thanks to our friends at Paramount Home Entertainment
for this opportunity!

Product description: "The weekly adventures of Frank Cannon, an overweight, balding ex-cop with a deep voice and expensive tastes in culinary pleasures, who becomes a high-priced private investigator. Since Cannon's girth didn't allow for many fist-fights and gun battles (although there were many), the series substituted car chases and high production values in their place."

The contest will end on July 28, 2009.

We are giving away FIVE copies.

To win on Twitter

  1. Follow us on Twitter. You must remain a follower for the duration of the contest.
  2. Leave a comment on this page that you entered this contest.
  3. Tweet the following message as often as you wish to your readers. Each Tweet counts as one entry.
Just entered the Cannon Season 2 DVD contest! 5 copies! Win by following @WeekinRewind and RT. He follows back!

To win if you're not on Twitter:

  1. Sign up for this contest by clicking here and following all of the directions carefully.
  2. Leave a comment on this page that you entered this contest.

That's it!

Good luck!


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  1. Nick said...

    I'm not even sure I heard of this show before-LOL. Nonetheless, hope I win!

  2. Nick said...


  3. Diana D said...

    Please enter me in the contest. Appreciate the opportunity.

    dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

  4. Anonymous said...

    I entered.

  5. Carol EL said...

    Enter me in the giveaway.

  6. Erica C. said...


  7. chromiumman said...

    how many fat heroes are on tv today? none, i tell ya

  8. amwhiteh said...


  9. agordon10 said...

    cannon rules

  10. Brian said...

    Sign me up!

  11. Andrew said...

    I've entered this.

  12. Karen B said...

    I'm entered - love the big guy!

  13. Lorie Shewbridge said...

    Brings back memories

  14. Cindy B.of Montana said...

    Thanks, Christopher! Please count me in on this one.

  15. Independentmami said...

    i follow. i tweeted

  16. Dave said...

    William Conrad was great in this show. I hope someday they release his Nero Wolfe series on DVD. Thank you for the chance to win.

  17. cigar666 said...


  18. Anonymous said...

    would love to be entered.

  19. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  20. Samantha P said...


  21. Kim D said...

    Love these classic old shows. I used to watch this one all the time.

  22. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  23. Anonymous said...

    I entered -

  24. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  25. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  26. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  27. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  28. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  29. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  30. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  31. Natalie R D said...

    entered @_Natalie_P

  32. Richard Adams said...

    @ReallyLuckyDog - I'm Tweeting this one.

  33. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  34. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  35. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  36. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  37. Richard Adams said...

    I'm Tweeting this one @ReallyLuckyDog

  38. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  39. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  40. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  41. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  42. Ushpa said...

    I'll bet you Cannon did one hell of a Cannonball! I'm in.

  43. Carol EL said...

    Daily entry.

  44. WHOOPLA said...

    I didn't watch this when it was on, but I like watching these old show now.

  45. Karrie said...

    I entered

  46. KristenH said...

    I have never seen this show but it sounds really good to me especially since I typically love Cop Shows and I really hope I win Season 2, Vol. 1 of it on DVD so I can watch episodes of it. This is a great giveaway. Thanks.

  47. Kathy P said...


  48. Maja said...

    love it