5/08/2009 Posted by Admin

Week in Rewind is pleased to offer a giveaway of the
The Flip Mino HD Video Camera!

Update: 5/14. For those who DO NOT Tweet, here's your chance to complete! We're giving away two of these, one for those who use Twitter, and this one, for those of you who do not.

Have you entered? If so, why not? It's easy!

Just click here for the rules.

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  1. @evanmaroun said...

    man i need one of these to made awesome vids for youtube =P

  2. Rica said...

    would love one!

  3. carolynishis said...

    i tweeted this contest.


  4. Rajee said...

    So cute. I subscribe and love to win it.

  5. Anonymous said...

    hope i win

  6. cameron said...

    hpoe i win

  7. LeoTLion said...

    One of these would be very cool to play with ... thanks again for the great giveaways!!

  8. Anonymous said...

    My poor little fingers are raw from tweeting this contest. LOL

    Pick me Pick me

  9. Rica said...

    I REALLY want one!!!!

  10. missy said...

    i like the pink one

  11. jeannefromnc said...

    I totally need this for my trip! PICK ME!

  12. eastexasrose said...

    I am raising my 3 grandchildren(6,8 and 12). This would be so much better than my old camcorder that uses hard to find tapes! Plus my VCR is slowly dying.

  13. Lindy said...

    I've just retweeted this contest.

    P.S. The pink swirl is cute!

  14. jeannefromnc said...

    so can we e-mail more than once?