Revolutionary Road: DVD, Blu-ray Movie Review (2009)
"Revolutionary Road"
Directed by Sam Mendes, written by Justin Haythe, 119 minutes, rated R.
Sam Mendes' Academy Award-nominated “Revolutionary Road,” now out on DVD and Blu-ray disc, stars Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio in their first pairing since 1997’s “Titanic,” in which their love-struck characters were undone by one infamous sinking ship.
Now, 11 years out, the news is a surprise. Apparently, their hearts did go on--and we’re all better for it. “Revolutionary Road” was one of 2008’s best films.

They are Frank (DiCaprio) and April Wheeler (Winslet), smart, good-looking people who meet at a gathering one night, share a few drinks and then each other’s stories. April aspires to be an actress. Frank isn’t exactly sure what he wants to be, but he has charm, an agreeably boyish face and, as far as April can tell, plenty of untapped potential.
In a matter of movie minutes, they’re married, have two children, and are living in a crisp white Colonial on Revolutionary Road. There, everything appears to be tidy on the outside--nice hedges, fresh paint, newly clipped grass--but inside is another story.

One day, April does. A depressed intellectual with the heart of a romantic (a deadly combination if there ever was one), she decides that she and Frank should quit the States and move the family to Paris, where Frank once claimed he wanted to live.
She’s got it all worked out. While she makes a good salary as a government secretary, Frank will take time off to find himself. Paris isn’t just a city to her, but an ideal, a way to recharge their dead lives while there’s still time to do so. They will thrive in the City of Lights because they refused to conform to the growing movement of consumerist suburbanism, and more specifically, because they were brave enough to move away from it before it consumed them entirely.

Only it isn’t that simple, is it?
For all sorts of reasons that won’t be revealed here (it seems otherwise, but I’ve only explored a fraction of the dense plot), leaving Revolutionary Road becomes increasingly difficult, but no less desirable. For Frank and April--especially April--Paris is akin to the green light in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby.” She can see it and feel it, but can she reach it? And what happens to her if she can’t, to quote Fitzgerald, “stretch out her arms farther” to do so?
Throughout “Revolutionary Road”--which Mendes directs with the whiff of a stage production, a decision that assists in separating the Wheelers even further from reality--the performances are sterling, and not just from DiCaprio and Winslet.

Shannon’s John is the antithesis of the suburban ideal--nothing about him is false, proper or refined. He is the truth standing tall in the room, the elephant who demands to be heard, and he speaks the truth freely and cruelly, further closing the book on two lives that barely can stand judgment at all.
Grade: A
View the trailer for "Revolutionary Road" here:
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