5/20/2009 Posted by WeekinRewind

Well, that was fun.

Out of more than 272,400 entries, we have a winner in Richard S. from Tennessee. As most of you know, we use the Random Integer Generator (found here) to choose our winners fairly and squarely.

Richard's number came up (in a good way), and this is off to him tomorrow. Please congratulate him!

In the meantime, try some of the other contests we offer. For instance:

For a list of all current DVD giveaways, click here.

For the Apple TV Giveaway, click here.

For the iPhone 3G, click here.

For our Twitter Flip Mino HD Giveaway, click here.

Play and enjoy.

Good luck!


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  1. Anonymous said...

    congrats to the winner!

  2. Edward29 said...

    You lucky dog you. Congrats.

  3. Dixie said...

    Congratulations Richard!:-)

  4. Richard Small said...

    Thank you, Christopher. I've never won anything in my life. My family will enjoy this for years to come. What a wonderful surprise.

    Richard Small

  5. Unknown said...

    Way to go and Congratulations! mabyn

  6. binabug said...

    just saw the post on twitter

  7. AnnetteR said...

    Congrats, Richard! I'm jealous! :-) I hope u get many years of enjoyment from it.

  8. BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

    Congrats Richard, enjoy your Flip!

  9. a49erfangirl said...

    Congrats Richard!