Saturday, March 15, 2025

WATCH: District 9 Trailer

7/09/2009 Posted by Admin

The trailer for the upcoming, August 14, 2009 release of "District 9" starts off slowly, but then it digs in its heels--or its clawed feet, in this case--to deliver something memorable.

Check it out below:

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  1. Tyler said...

    Doesn't look like a horror movie to me... Just looks like a sci-fi thriller.

  2. Anonymous said...

    It's hard to tell what kind of movie this is. By looks of the website it looks like a comedy/sci-fi movie. Is this filmed like cloverfield? If so then no thanks!

  3. Anonymous said...

    Its not like cloverfield, its going to be a unique blend of traditional movie style, and documentary style interviews and news clips.

  4. Anonymous said...

    for those who posted above, comedy? Man, you got some serious problem!!!!
    if a movie with a new and fresh concept like this, is beyond your comprehension then I strongly suggest to stick with transformer and crap like that for all your boring life, since anything with a "story" or a "message" (oh my my god what's that????) may hurt your already pacified brain....