Monday, March 17, 2025

TEASE #3: Next Major Giveaway from!

12/27/2009 Posted by Admin

We're just days away from the next major giveaway at, and here is our third tease.

Look for the real deal to appear at 12:01 a.m. EST on Dec. 31, 2009. This is our biggest yet, and it promises a great way to kick off the new year.

Any thoughts on what it is? A slice of a hint is at your left. Let us know in the comments section. It's never too early to get your name into our database, or to subscribe to the site, which you'll need to do to win.

You can subscribe to our feed here.

You can receive email updates here.

Just let us know that you did so in the comments section and we'll check.

Those who take a guess at what it is--and if they get it right--will win 100 additional entries early. Just let us know in the comments section what you think the next major giveaway from is!


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  1. Lynne said...

    Is that a laptop screen? @smithalso

  2. Edward29 said...

    I think it is the edge of an Apple iMac screen.

  3. princessducky said...


  4. Pat said...

    It is the new iMac.......

    tooluckyducky AT hotmail DOT com

  5. Denise Petersen said...

    It looks like the edge of an Apple imac screen.

  6. Denise Petersen said...

    I forgot to mention that I do subscribe by email to WeekinRewind.

  7. Nancy C. said...

    Looks like a Msc screen to me!

  8. Andrew said...

    I'm going to guess that it's a MacBook.

    andrewlee67 at aim dot com

  9. Anonymous said...

    Ok, I'll try something different: Is it an MSI Wind (Mini PC)?

  10. AppleJill said...

    The new iMac.

    Definitely want this!

  11. Whippeteer said...

    AHA! The new iMac! I want!!!

  12. Anonymous said...

    Laptop, netbook, notebook, mac screen, some kind of a LCD screen.

  13. tannawings said...

    heck it's worth +100 to guess, and I have no clue- maybe an IMac?

  14. aledol said...

    IMac?! Son needs for college....

  15. albert go said...

    entered and I think it's a 58" TV.
    my email is

    thank you for the contest

  16. El Tracio said...

    Appears to be a crop of an iMac screen.. @cantoperte - Chris P. Kali - amoparigi @ g mail dot com

  17. Becky said...

    a MacBook?

  18. ~dab said...


    donna at simplydab dot com

  19. Ann said...

    I hope it's an Apple iMac.

    brownatural at gmail dot com


  20. Kristy Lee said...

    Looks like an iMac need a new computer

  21. angela said...

    It's the a**-kickin' new iMac!!(My kingdom for an iMac...)

  22. Douglas0327 said...

    It's a 27 inch iMac.

  23. Joshua Hanlon said...

    The new iMac.

    I also subscribe to the email.

  24. James Lytle said...

    new imac

    I follow on twitter and email

    jamesintucson at hotmail dot com

  25. Unknown said...

    The new imac

  26. Andrea B. said...

    It is the edge of the mac screen.

  27. Unknown said...

    Its definitely a computer! Which one I cant tell.. Might be the all in one HP touchscreen pc I think its called the HP 600 Touch PC.. EIther way.. its a PC and everyone knows I need one.. Mine us barely hanging on.. takes me half an hour to load twitter and 20 minutes to load a page on facebook! Oh how I need this! I cant even begin to tell you especially since my computer is my link to my world!

  28. Anonymous said...

    that slice is an iMac monitor; the giveaway is the new iMac, the ultimate three in one.
    I subscribe as -

  29. Unknown said...

    Might it b a mac tablet?

  30. tannawings said...

    A screeen of a laptop or desktop ?

    Oh I subscribe too-

    +100 more

  31. jonsothin said...

    27" imac! @jonsothin

  32. Joshua Hanlon said...

    that slice is an iMac monitor; the giveaway is the new iMac, the ultimate three in one.
    I subscribe as -

  33. Messo64 said...

    This is a brand new shiny iMac which i would love to win cas my desktop doesn't work 3/4 of the time :( But o well its definately an iMac

  34. Corinne said...

    iMac. :)

  35. opalbaker said...

    A guess is just a guess,so I guess an Imac screen.