1/27/2010 Posted by Admin

So, as anyone who comes to often knows, our major giveaways work in threes.  We have a $1,700 iMac 27-inch giveaway, a Nintendo Wii giveaway and now we have an iPod Touch 64GB giveaway.  Hooray!  And winning couldn't be easier.

Here's how you enter for this phase of the contestSHARE the link on your Facebook account (you can do so by clicking the "Share" button at the top right of this page) and let us know in the comments section of this post that you did so.  We'll check that you did--and you'll be entered.  Each time you "share," it equals one entry--you share as often as you like.

That's it!

You must be a member of the site for the duration of the contest to win.  DO SO BY CHOOSING EITHER ONE:

Subscribe to our feed here.

Receive email updates here.

Make sure you comment on this post that you are a member; we'll check and, if you are, you're good to go.  The contest will end March 31, 2010.  This is the first of several updates that will keep the contest interesting.

Don't forget that we giveaway lots of DVDs and Video Games HERE.  Try your hand at those!

Finally, this will come in handy later as the contest progresses:

Join our fan page on Facebook here.

Getting a head start on being a member of our fan page would be a smart move, indeed.


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  • Netvibes


«Oldest   ‹Older   1001 – 1200 of 2067   Newer›   Newest»
  1. Sheri Karobonik said...

    I shared on face book and twitter.

  2. paula.rodillo said...


    i have shared on FB

    i'm also a subscriber.


  3. Mary Wajda said...

    Already a member & email subscriber...shared on Facebook!

  4. ktwdg said...

    Shared on FB Kathleen Cochran

  5. ktwdg said...

    Shared on FB Kathleen Cochran

  6. ktwdg said...

    Shared on FB Kathleen Cochran

  7. Douglas0327 said...

    I just shared on Facebook. Please count me in for 100 additional entries. Thanks!

  8. Ann said...

    I shared before 12am but I tried commenting to no avail;

    Angela Akinniyi Facebook

  9. Matthew Osborn-Grosso said...

    shared on facebook and twitter and am following feed

  10. Parisian Heart said...

    I just shared on FB and will RT now. :)

  11. Sweeter the berry said...

    shared on fb again


  12. El Tracio said...

    Dugg, Shared (Chris P Kali), and retweeted (DarkPassenger9).

    amoparigi gmail

  13. Dany said...

    my twitter handle @Cool_Dany

    facebook link

    mail ids :

    count me in ur contests !!

  14. Anonymous said...

    I shared on Facebook and Tweeted. Facebook ID is KLM40 and Twitter is Vergingon40

  15. Anonymous said...

    I subscribe by email klm 39 at optimum dot net

  16. @graywolfpack said...

    shared on

  17. stowelljg said...

    Wow! An iPod Touch! Thanks, Christopher!

  18. Unknown said...

    I shared on facebook jackieltweed

  19. Unknown said...

    I love to share weekinrewind sweeps

  20. Unknown said...

    WeekInRewind is the Bomb and now all my buds know on Facebook jackieltweed

  21. Mary Wajda said...

    Already a member/subscriber...shared on Facebook...thanks!

  22. Anonymous said...

    shared it

  23. Stylista Fitness said...

    i shared on facebook

  24. k1tsun3 said...

    I'm a member and shared the link on facebook.

  25. Deanna said...

    I shared on Facebook (again) -

  26. Unknown said...

    A little more sharing here from Facebook (Charles Tweed) and Twitter (chaz714)

  27. Akbar said...

    I subscribed and shered on FB-

  28. sohamolina said...

    shared on FB

  29. Unknown said...

    I've shared on fb
    and tweeted via @earthm0mma

  30. Unknown said...

    and its my birthday tomorrow! so pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

  31. Unknown said...

    TWEET THE TWEED @tweed524

  32. Anonymous said...

    I posted on Facebook at

    And I tweeted at

  33. Jo Jones said...

    tweeted and shared

  34. King Zombie said...

    facebooked it.

  35. JanSKay said...

    Shared on FB

  36. Parker said...

    Shared and tweeted!!

  37. kibbyster said...
    shared on facebook
    email is

  38. Unknown said...

    I'm in for 100 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  39. Trielotra said...

    Facebook & twitter


  40. Jo Jones said...

    Shared again!

  41. Pricousins said...

    Shared on FB again.

  42. aporter said...

    shared (andrporter)

  43. Joyce McDaniel said...

    I twittered
    I emailed you
    I Facebooked
    I read the feeds
    I read the comments

  44. Lori A. said...

    fb'd & tweeted!

    ljatwood at gmail dot com

  45. Unknown said...

    I shared on facebook

  46. ktwdg said...

    Shared on FB Kathleen Cochran

  47. Unknown said...

    Daily tweet:

  48. Unknown said...


  49. Lucky Carl said...

    I shared:

  50. Lucky Carl said...


  51. sheilaco said...

    I'm an e-mail subscriber

  52. Anonymous said...

    shared on facebook

  53. Anonymous said...

    Marvelous!! I shared on FB: Gluc Arthy
    And Retweeted: @GlArthy

  54. JoJ said...

    Shared again on FB

  55. contestrobyn said...

    I shared on Facebook.

    Thank you! :)

  56. Misscrabbypants said...

    Shared on FB

  57. Mary Wajda said...

    Shared on on Facebook...subscribe to emails...Thanks!

  58. stowelljg said...

    Christopher, thanks for the chance to win the iPod Touch.

  59. Anonymous said...

    I tweeted! (@akaKimi)

  60. Pip444 said...

    Shared on Facebook

  61. Anonymous said...

    shared FB

  62. Anonymous said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  63. Megan @ Book Brats said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  64. gcmondo said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  65. gcmondo said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  66. Alex Duran said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  67. Pricousins said...

    Shared on FB again.

  68. cindylee137 said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"


  69. 4intow said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

    @caitlinmelody on twitter

  70. Anne S. said...

    FB shared Sinky

  71. Anne S. said...

    FB shared Sinky

  72. wildflower00 said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  73. Kim said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  74. Diane A said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  75. Pixframe said...

  76. Jason S said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

    facebooked it

  77. Taylor said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  78. sparky61 said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  79. Bingo said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

    kdhaney AT gmail DOT com

  80. Coistycat said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

    @Coistycat on Twitter

  81. Misscrabbypants said...

    I shared on FB
    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  82. Nicky said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  83. Anonymous said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  84. Anonymous said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  85. Bingo said...

    I subscribe by email and I just shared on Facebook this morning for the iPod Touch. That is 1 time!

    kdhaney AT gmail DOT com

  86. Bingo said...

    I subscribe by email and I just shared on Facebook this morning for the iPod Touch. That is 2 times!

    kdhaney AT gmail DOT com

  87. Anonymous said...

    I am a member.

  88. Bingo said...

    I subscribe by email and I just shared on Facebook this morning for the iPod Touch. That is 3 times!

    kdhaney AT gmail DOT com

  89. Bingo said...

    I subscribe by email and I just shared on Facebook this morning for the iPod Touch. That is 4 times!

    kdhaney AT gmail DOT com

  90. Bingo said...

    I subscribe by email and I just shared on Facebook this morning for the iPod Touch. That is 5 times!

    kdhaney AT gmail DOT com

  91. Anonymous said...

    I shared on Facebook again.
    Sue Goff Morris

  92. Diane said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

    saraminda on twitter

  93. alexa said...

    Alexa Nernberg

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber.

  94. Anonymous said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  95. Catherine B said...

    I've shared on Facebook - and am already a subscriber, a fan, and follow on twitter as @nebobeads
    bookbaby at gmail dot com

  96. Kimberly C. said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  97. Catherine B said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!
    bookbaby at gmail dot com

  98. Kimberly C. said...


  99. Dee Dee Warren said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  100. Anonymous said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  101. Hippie4ever said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  102. paula.rodillo said...


    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"


  103. Unknown said...

    Shared to facebook.=]

  104. Anonymous said...

    I shared on facebook and twitter multiple times!!

  105. Nina M said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  106. vishal said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  107. Anonymous said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

    I posted on Facebook at

    And tweeted at

  108. Darlene said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  109. Anonymous said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  110. Anonymous said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

    Facebook: Dan Delski
    Twitter: RiteanDan

  111. @graywolfpack said...

    shared on

    subscribe as

  112. Anonymous said...

    Shared on facebook and tweeted

  113. Unknown said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  114. Anonymous said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber

  115. jurrel said...

    Unfortunately, I'm not a Facebook member yet, but just wanted to let you know that I'm a member here and is joining this awesome contest! Hoping to win!

  116. jurrel said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  117. TapDatApp said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  118. Joanne said...

    Shared. "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  119. James said...

    I have shared, subscribed and I am not tired!

  120. CJ said...

    Shared, I shared on Facebook.

  121. Anonymous said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  122. Unknown said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber
    Charles Tweed FaceBook

  123. Redlizzy1 said...

    I am in for an additonal 200 entries because I am a Newsletter subscriber. I tweeted too.

  124. katsrus said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

    I also shared on facebook(Sue Brandes)


  125. Anonymous said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  126. Diane said...

    I shared on facebook
    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  127. Susan said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

    Thank you Christopher!

  128. miss_moneymaker said...

    I'm a email subscriber.
    sarahjd766 at yahoo dot com

    I Retweeted:

    And shared on Facebook:

  129. Dlori said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"
    I am a daily subscriber and a fan on facebook where I shared the above at

    I also subscribed by feed and email

  130. benjamin w said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  131. Anonymous said...


    I shared on facebook AND twitter.

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

    Thanks so much!

  132. EnlightenMaya said...

    Great site! I shared on fb (500 friends), sent also to friend(s) as messages, so they could paste on their page

  133. Jo J said...

    Shared on Facebook...

  134. ~dab said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  135. Sophie said...

    Shared on Facebook.

  136. Sophie said...

    Shared on Facebook.

  137. Zaily said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!


  138. MB said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  139. Unknown said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  140. Lucky Carl said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  141. helobuff said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber

  142. JanSKay said...

    Shared on FB and I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber

  143. Susan ( @grumpy1970 ) said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

    Susan ~ @grumpy1970

  144. rainsy said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  145. Kattzzz said...


    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  146. Trish said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"
    and shared on facebook

  147. Sarah said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  148. Saelem said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  149. luckymomx4 said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

    Also shared on Facebook and Twitter!

  150. Anonymous said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"
    I shared on facebook: Gluc Arthy

  151. Irene Muntz said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  152. Cary G said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  153. Cm said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  154. Unknown said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

    I shared on twitter

    I shared on facebook

  155. smithalso said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  156. Anonymous said...

    Shared on FB again: Gluc Arthy
    Retweeted: @GlArthy

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  157. Rick K said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

    Twitter @RickArk1952

  158. Barbara said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  159. Unknown said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  160. Rick K said...

    I posted this on facebook and twitter

  161. Kathryn20000 said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!" Kathryn20000

  162. Anonymous said...

    FB shared

  163. Unknown said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!
    jackieltweed FaceBook

  164. Jennifer Phillips said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!
    jenni104 at yahoo dotcom

  165. Kelsey Taylor said...

    Shared on facebook!

  166. alvinrayyu said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  167. jenny said...

    shared on fb again at golden_sprite at yahoo dot com

  168. aporter said...

    shared (andrporter)

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  169. rq said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

    Wow - now to take a look at those DVD's and hit my FB page to become a FAN...

  170. rq said...

    Wow, so many options, who's to keep track?

    Tweeted, Facebook, Dugg and listed from the email newletter:

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

    Thanks for the info!

  171. mich0825 said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

    shared on FB, MichelleHohertz

  172. Unknown said...

    I shared on Facebook. Tim Parmelee I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  173. jfreshour said...

    FB, retweet, "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  174. David Lee said...

    I shared on facebook. Thanks!!

    -David Lee

  175. David Lee said...

    I shared on facebook. Thanks!!
    -David Lee

  176. Anonymous said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!
    -David Lee

  177. Catterin said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  178. Scott said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

    gscott54 at hotmail dot com

    tweet @gscott54

  179. Bonnie said...

    I shared on Facebook for an additonal 200 entries. Thanks, Bonnie Rae Gonzales

  180. k3na29 said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  181. Tu said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  182. E. Gibson said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter suscriber

  183. rose said...

    i'm in for 200 additional entries, i'm a newsletter subcriber.. shared it on FB and Twitter.

  184. justashygirl said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  185. justashygirl said...


  186. ooweky said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  187. contestrobyn said...

    I shared on Facebook!

    Thank you! :)

  188. stowelljg said...

    Wow! I would love to win the iPod Touch! Thanks, Christopher!

  189. @graywolfpack said...

    shared on

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  190. Jo J said...

    Shared on Facebook again,

  191. Unknown said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber

  192. Deanna said...

    I shared on Facebook (again) -

  193. Deanna said...

    I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!

  194. Mary Wajda said...

    I joined your newsletter and am in for 200 additional entries!

    Shared on Facebook

  195. Tonia Zerba said...

    "I'm in for 200 additional entries because I'm a Newsletter subscriber!"

  196. S516 said...

    I'm a fan on facebook
    Follow on twitter: @Sandra516
    Subscribed to your feed
    I receive email updates
    Newsletter subscriber

  197. S516 said...


  198. Anonymous said...

    shared the link!

  199. sohamolina said...

    shared on FB

  200. Unknown said...

    I shared with facebook, and tweeted with twitter

    already a member.

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