Friday, March 21, 2025


12/31/2008 Posted by Admin

March 14, 2009: And so this also ends. This is the last time I'll post for the Nintendo Wii giveaway. Just as with the iPod Touch giveaway, I've enjoyed every minute of it, all the enthusiasm, and I hope you have, too. In three months, this giveaway also peaked at over a million entries, most via email and Twitter (especially Twitter), and many with comments. Every one of them counts as one entry. On Tuesday, I will pick one winner at random. We now have FOUR days left on this contest, so if you haven't been playing, start catching up!

Here's the last update on the giveaway.

First the TWITTER TWIST: Winning never has been easier, though you do have to be a member of Twitter to play.

For those on Twitter, here’s a way to add an extra edge.
  1. Follow me on Twitter.
  2. Tweet the following message to your followers:
The Nintendo Wii contest is ending! I've entered! You can win by following @WeekinRewind and retweet. He follows back too!

That's it! Please leave a comment here to let everyone know that you're in it to win it! Soooooooo easy! And I'll follow everybody who follows the Week in Rewind Twitter account.


TRADITIONAL PLAY: Don't want to Twitter? No problem. As with the iPod Touch Giveaway and with the Playstation 3 Twitter Giveaway, we are also making winning the iPod Touch easy. Just go to the A-Z directory on the right margin and start clicking through the listings until you find a variation of the words "iPod Touch" in a phrase at the end of the review.

But here's a twist: Send me all the reviews in which the word appears in the S, T, L, M, R, P, A, B, C, H, E, W and V sections. LOOK FOR THEM AND EMAIL THE ANSWERS.


The word will be in red. Once you find them all, go to this page, fill out the information, send me an email with the names of the listings that have "iPod Touch" at the end of the review, and you'll be in it to win it!


The contest ends on March 17, 2009, and the Wii will be shipped overnight to the winner. I'll post the winner's name (with their permission) on March 18, 2009.

Good luck!


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  1. Anonymous said...

    This is absolutely FANTASTIC!!!! I am so there (entering that is).

    I'll be working hard to win this!!!!
    -barbarabaker :)

  2. Rose said...

    Count me in and a Happy New Year to all :)

  3. Alibi said...

    Oh, Awesome! Can't wait until this one starts!

    Vegas, I'm so Jealous! Heard they are a great place to spend New Years. ;)

    Have a Blast and Happy New Year!!!

  4. Karen B said...

    Happy New Year!

  5. Anonymous said...

    I sure would like to see this movie.

  6. Anonymous said...

    Another good giveaway coming up.

  7. Teresa said...

    Happy New Year!!! Thanks, for all of the awesome giveaways & reviews.

  8. Anonymous said...

    Happy New Year!!

  9. Anonymous said...

    That's so awesome Chris! Happy New Year!


  10. Anonymous said...

    I am looking forward to entering this giveaway and hope to win.

  11. Anonymous said...

    Thanks Chris, It's another great contest. Can't wait to play. Happy New Year's all

  12. Anonymous said...

    Can't Wait!

    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  13. Alibi said...

    Leaving a comment here, and left one in the other post. Not sure which one counts, but the giveaway is awesome!!
    Thanks :)

  14. stimpy1515 said...

    Here we go again! Good luck everyone and thanks Chris for the great giveaways!

  15. stimpy1515 said...

    Here we go again! Good luck everyone and thanks Chris for the great giveaways!

  16. Rose said...

    Count me in! :)

  17. Dixie said...

    I'm in! Wiiiii!! I want to Wiiin!

  18. Liz said...

    I'm in! =)

  19. jessiejaws said...

    Well, I'm going to try this because I'd really like to win the Wii.

  20. marleenandlouie said...

    I want a Wii so bad but I can't really afford to buy one. Thanks for this chance!

  21. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for the contest. Happy New Year!

  22. Riri said...

    I so want to win this! When I win this I am buying the Fit to go with it.

  23. Anonymous said...

    I'm all in, Thanks again Chris for another awesome contest.

  24. Anonymous said...

    this is great my kids would be soo stoked if i won

  25. Anonymous said...

    I've wanted a Wii since they first came out. Good luck to all.

  26. Dixie said...

    I'm in for Monday!

  27. Alibi said...

    Back again :)

  28. Anonymous said...

    What a fabulous giveaway!! The really great thing about the Wii is the whole family can enjoy it! Thanks.

  29. Liz said...

    Monday, Monday! Thanks =)

  30. Pricousins said...

    Hi! thanks for this AWESOME entry!!!

  31. jessiejaws said...

    In it to win it!

  32. Anonymous said...

    Thank You!!

  33. Misty said...

    count me in. thanks!!

  34. Chris_60 said...

    Thanks great prize!

  35. Anonymous said...

    I'm in!

    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  36. Anonymous said...

    Here we go again, It is going to be interesting

  37. Anonymous said...

    I had fun with the scavenger hunt. Thanks.

  38. Anonymous said...

    Great Contest and Reviews! Thanks!

  39. stimpy1515 said...

    Back Again!

  40. Dixie said...

    Happy Tuesday everyone!

  41. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again!!

  42. Alibi said...

    Back again :)
    Thanks for the Giveaway!

  43. Anonymous said...


  44. Angi said...


    (Please ignore previous post!!)

  45. dentre said...


  46. Douglas0327 said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  47. Douglas0327 said...

    I played the Wii for the first time at my girlfriend's cousin's house. I got addicted to a bowling game they had me play. I would love to win this! Thanks for giving me a chance to win.

  48. AJANDREWS said...

    I've sent you an email... I'm in.

  49. Marilyn said...

    Count me in!

  50. Anonymous said...

    I'm here, I'm here!!!!!

    Gotta make my entry on this one again!
    -barbarabaker :)

  51. Anonymous said...

    Second Day entry

  52. Liz said...

    woo wii! tuesday entry =)

  53. Misty said...

    yippee!! day 2 count me in

  54. Anonymous said...

    This is just awesome, Thanks Chris

  55. Anonymous said...

    Please enter me into this. thank you

  56. Samantha P said...


  57. lenniem said...

    would rally love to win this one

  58. dentre said...

    thank you

  59. agatre said...


  60. stimpy1515 said...

    Back again

  61. Marilyn said...

    count me in

  62. Anonymous said...

    I'm in!!

  63. Douglas0327 said...

    I'm back for another chance. Thanks

  64. Anonymous said...

    Day 3 down, lots and lots more to go.

  65. Horace (Ed) said...

    In to win!

  66. Anonymous said...

    Hello Chris,
    You have the best contests!

    theladyswimmer at yahoo dot com

  67. Anonymous said...

    Back again for another entry.

    Have a great January 7th everyone!

    I sent an email.

    Tammy OHagan
    tammyohagan ~~~ AT ~~~ westco ~~~ DOT ~~~ net

  68. Dixie said...

    In for Wednesday!

  69. Anonymous said...

    I'm in it to win it!!!!!!

    Count me in again!

  70. AJANDREWS said...

    Count me in too please.... I've sent an email with the answer.


  71. rkont01 said...


  72. Unknown said...

    thanks! count me in!! =D

  73. Liz said...

    Thanks for another entry! =)

  74. Anonymous said...


  75. Misty said...

    Thank you!!

  76. jessiejaws said...

    Enter me again!

  77. Anonymous said...

    sweet! hope to win this for my wife. she has been wanting one bad!

  78. Anonymous said...


  79. The Behlmers said...

    I would love this Wii!!

  80. Anonymous said...

    please please please let me win this.

  81. Anonymous said...


  82. Anonymous said...

    Here's my enter for today, Thanks

  83. Anonymous said...

    Here's another entry to toss into the hat of probability!

  84. Angi said...

    Wow! A Wii and an iPod Touch!! I can't decide which one I'd like better! Thanks!

  85. KTG said...

    My kid would love this!

  86. Anonymous said...

    Awsome prize

  87. Anonymous said...

    Here's my second entry :)

  88. Alibi said...

    In it to win it ;)

  89. marleenandlouie said...

    I'm entering again to let you know that I really need this to help me exercise and stay fit! Thanks Christopher!

  90. dentre said...


  91. stimpy1515 said...

    Back again!

  92. Dixie said...

    In Thursdays entry!

  93. Anonymous said...


  94. Anonymous said...

    Thanks Again!!

  95. Douglas0327 said...

    If I win this I will surely lose the five pounds that I gained over the holidays! What a great game system to use to exercise. Thanks for the chance of winning this again.

  96. Robert said...

    Fantastic contest!

  97. Liz said...

    i wanna wii!

  98. Anonymous said...

    Thanks again for another awesome giveaway, I would love to win this one

  99. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to win the Wii!

  100. Anonymous said...

    Yes I'm here cause I want a Wii!!!!!

  101. KTG said...

    Would ma fille like a Wii?
    Mai, OUI!

  102. Anonymous said...

    As always thanks for the contest!

  103. marleenandlouie said...

    Whee, I wanna Wii.

  104. Samantha P said...

    still awesome!

  105. dentre said...

    thank you

  106. agatre said...


  107. stimpy1515 said...

    Back again

  108. Dixie said...

    Happy Friday!

  109. Anonymous said...

    One more time.

  110. Brent Woolverton said...

    Hello again all!

  111. Horace (Ed) said...

    Back again...again.

  112. Douglas0327 said...

    Thank you for another chance to win this!

  113. Anonymous said...


  114. Angi said...

    Another entry for the Wii. Thanks!

  115. Robert said...

    Another day ...another chance...Thanks!

  116. jessiejaws said...

    Fridays entry

  117. Anonymous said...

    I'm back with another entry. I sent my answer via email. Thanks

  118. Liz said...


  119. Penny Auction Reporter said...

    Another Day, Another Entry.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  120. Anonymous said...

    Back for my daily!

  121. AJANDREWS said...

    Have a nice day!

    I'm back for another entry.

  122. Steve D said...

    Wanna Win a Wii. Thank you.

  123. KTG said...

    This would be a fun win!

  124. Unknown said...

    im back having fun and feeling groovy

  125. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for the contest as always.

  126. Unknown said...

    thanks! You rock!

  127. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for another great giveaway

  128. Vanessa said...

    Thanks for having this contest.

  129. Anonymous said...

    Back for another day!

    theladyswimmer at yahoo dot com

  130. marleenandlouie said...

    In for another chance, Wii, Wii, Wii

  131. Anonymous said...

    i've played this at my friends' and it looks like so much fun.


  132. stimpy1515 said...

    Back again

  133. dentre said...


  134. Unknown said...

    rock and roll with a wii

  135. Unknown said...

    my niece would really love this

  136. Dixie said...

    Happy Saturday folks!

  137. Douglas0327 said...

    Back again for another chance to win this Wii. Thank you very much again for having this contest.

  138. Anonymous said...

    Thank you for the contest. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

  139. Horace (Ed) said...

    Thank you soooo much!

  140. Brent Woolverton said...

    thanks again

  141. Liz said...

    snowed in!


  142. Anonymous said...

    Thank for the contest!!

  143. Alibi said...

    Still here, really glad I got in at the beginning this time ;)

  144. Misty said...

    count me in! thanks

  145. Samantha P said...


  146. Steve D said...

    Thought I'd leave a comment on this snowy Sat. night.

  147. Angi said...

    Great giveaway! Thanks.

  148. stacey dempsey said...

    sooo want this for my house really want to try Wii fit

  149. Anonymous said...

    I'm here to win

  150. Anonymous said...

    Ive sent an email thank

  151. Vanessa said...

    Love this contest

  152. marleenandlouie said...

    Wii will win it (i hope)

  153. dentre said...

    thank you

  154. Douglas0327 said...

    Please count me in for another chance to win this Wii. Thank you for this contest.

  155. Dixie said...

    Sunday Morning comin' down.

  156. pitboss said...

    I would love to win a wii. Wii play roxx!

  157. Horace (Ed) said...

    Thank you.

  158. Anonymous said...

    Happy Sunday!

    theladyswimmer at yahoo dot com

  159. Anonymous said...

    Count me in

  160. Liz said...

    my sunday entry =)

  161. Steve D said...

    Entering for Jan. 11

  162. Angi said...

    Thanks for another opportunity to enter the Wii giveaway!

  163. Anonymous said...

    I am hoping I win this contest

  164. Anonymous said...

    im here hope i am doing this right WANT TO WIN

  165. Anonymous said...

    Okay, so I'm really hoping I'll be lucky with this one this time around...cause I want a wii fit too (and this could definitely save me some moo la on my bill)

    -barbarabaker :)

  166. stacey dempsey said...

    learning to blog here again

  167. lenniem said...

    i would really like a wim on this one

  168. stimpy1515 said...

    Back again

  169. Anonymous said...

    Many Thanks!!

  170. Teresa said...

    Count me in. Thanks!

  171. jessiejaws said...

    Like a bad penny, I'm back!

  172. SeptemberLovely said...

    I sooo want to win this!! Please pick me!!

  173. Samantha P said...


  174. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for the contest and have a goodnight.

  175. marleenandlouie said...

    Whee, let me win a Wii--Please???

  176. dentre said...


  177. Dixie said...

    Mondays entry!

  178. Brent Woolverton said...

    Thanks again

  179. Horace (Ed) said...


  180. Anonymous said...


    weblynx at

  181. Angi said...

    Another entry for the iPod Touch giveaway!


  182. Angi said...

    Jeez, got my contests mixed up, I guess. Coulda sworn I had clicked on the iPod link! (So, that's an entry for the Wii!)


  183. Douglas0327 said...

    I am back for another chance. Thank you very much!

  184. Anonymous said...

    Thanks for the contest.

  185. Liz said...

    another monday, another entry!

  186. stimpy1515 said...

    Back again

  187. Zach said...

    I Want a Wii! Count me in!

  188. Vanessa said...

    Thanks for the contest.

  189. Anonymous said...

    I'm back again, please enter me, Thanks

  190. Anonymous said...

    Another entry unto this great contest. Thanks again!

  191. dentre said...

    thank you

  192. agatre said...


  193. stimpy1515 said...

    Back again

  194. Samantha P said...

    would love this!

  195. Brent Woolverton said...

    Thanks again

  196. Horace (Ed) said...

    Back, Back again.

  197. jessiejaws said...

    Another day and another entry!

  198. Angi said...

    Another entry for the Wii giveaway! Thanks.

  199. Douglas0327 said...

    Count me in for another chance. Thank you

  200. Anonymous said...

    I'm back for another entry!

    Thanks again.

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