Thursday, March 13, 2025

"Legends of the Guardians" Movie Trailer Review

3/11/2010 Posted by Admin

Movie Trailer Review

"The Legend of the Guardians"

By our guest blogger, Joel Crabtree

It's no secret that every studio in Hollywood is looking for the next "Harry Potter." None, though, must be searching as hard as Warner Bros., whose cash-cow franchise since 2001 comes to an end July 15, 2011.

Studios have been turning children's and young-adult book series into movies as if they were comic books--but none has repeated the success of "Potter." But Warner Bros. might be onto something with "Legend of the Guardians," the latest children's series to be adapted for the big screen.

The animated film, to be released Sept. 24, will cover the first three installments of the "Guardians of Ga'Hoole" series. The trailer gives little insight into the story, leaving the viewer more with a teaser than anything else. The story, though, is of a young owl named Soren (voiced by Jim Sturgess), who is kidnapped by the St. Aggies owl army. Soren escapes to seek out the noble warriors of the island Ga'Hoole--the guardians in the "Guardians of Ga'Hoole."

Visionary director Zack Snyder may seem like a strange choice for "Legend," having worked on "Dawn of the Dead," "300" and "Watchmen"--not exactly a kid-friendly filmography. Still, Snyder has proved that he can create stylish alternate universes, a skill that seems to soar in "Legend."

The trailer looks stunning, which is going to help generate box-office with an older crowd hesitant to go see a children's movie. Warner Bros. smartly uses the 30 Seconds to Mars song "Kings and Queens" to sell "Legend." The song is epic, but it also appeals to a teen audience "Legend" might otherwise miss. And with the voices of Emilie de Ravin, Abbie Cornish, Helen Mirren, Hugo Weaving and Sturgess, Warner Bros. could draw in some of the hipster crowd.

Outside of its children's book origins, "Legend of the Guardians" feels nothing like Potter, which is a good thing. It almost feels like studios are ready to move on. If Warner Bros. plays its cards right with "Legend," they could make out like bandits. And if the story's half as good as the film's visuals, it might even compete with "Toy Story 3" for Best Animated Film at the Oscars. We'll see.

View the movie trailer for "Legends of the Guardians" below.  What are your thoughts?

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  1. Anonymous said...

    I just came back from this movie and did not like it. At all. It was confusing and violent. My eight year old covered his eyes and turned to me claiming he was scared. If the intent was to scare young children then goal achieved, but it was an awful, slow-paced, gory movie that I will NOT recommend to anyone!

  2. Anonymous said...

    I loved your blog. Thank you.