Four More Catch Soderbergh's "Contagion": Movie News

9/19/2010 Posted by Admin

Four More Catch Soderbergh's "Contagion"

Movie News

By our guest blogger, Matt Jussim

The more news I hear about Steven Soderbergh's new project "Contagion," the more excited I get about it.

The ensemble thriller is really starting to come together and take shape now with the additions of Demetri Martin, Jennifer Ehle, Bryan Cranston and Elliott Gould to the cast, reports The Playlist.

Soderbergh might be one of the best in the business at handling large, talented casts. Of course there is "Ocean's 11," but those films were comedies. What I think of is the 2000 film "Traffic," which was an ensemble drama and I think was one of the best films of the last decade.

Soderbergh's new film seems to be stepping into "Traffic" type territory once again, which is the reason my excitement is peaking.

Scott Z. Burns penned the script which looks at the impact a global virus outbreak has on certain characters in all sorts of different continents. The already amazing cast includes--Matt Damon, Kate Winslet, Marion Cotillard, Laurence Fishburne, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law, John Hawkes, Chin Han and Josie Ho.

Soderbergh will use the regular RED cameras he used on "Che" and "The Informant" to shoot film and it won't be in 3-D, which is even more great news to me. This film will absolutely be in the awards race when the time comes.

If you haven’t seen "The Informant!," please do. It's so underrated and Matt Damon's performance was amazing. Don't sleep on Soderbergh.

Filming kicks off this month in Hong Kong and Chicago.

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