GONE TONIGHT! Giveaway: The Brand New iPod Touch 32GB!

11/30/2010 Posted by Admin

Update:  Gone tonight!


How could we resist?  Because you're clicking on the ads on WeekinRewind (it's how we pay for our major giveaways, so, you know, think about that), we're able to offer another major giveaway.  And we're psyched!

We currently have three major giveaways running, with a our biggest yet to be announced next week:

MacBook Pro

Two iPads

And this giveaway--the iPod Touch 32GB

Just as always, winning this contect couldn't be easier.  

Just do one (or all) of the following.  Each time you do so counts as one entry.  

  •  First, LIKE this on Facebook here.  Once you do so, it counts as an entry.  Just let us know in the comments section of this post that you did so.  Doing this will give you a critical edge as most of our updates go to our fan page.  So, become a fan.

  • SHARE the link on your Facebook account (you can do so by clicking the "Share" button at the top right of this page) and let us know in the comments section of this post that you did so.  We'll check that you did--and you'll be entered.  Each time you "share," it equals one entry--you can share as often as you like.  Hint: We really LIKE the sharing aspect.

  • Tweet this Contest.  Just Tweet this message to your followers for an entry:  "I entered the Brand New iPod Touch 32GB Contest at @weekinrewind here: http://bit.ly/aY1pdF  Each Tweet equals one entry!  ReTweet often!"  Just let us know you did so in the comments section of this post.  We'll check that you did--and you'll be entered.  Each time you Tweet the message, it equals one entry--you can do so as often as you like.

  • Digg this and Stumble this in the boxes in the upper right corner of the page.
That's it!

You must be a member of the site for the duration of the contest to win.  DO SO BY CHOOSING EITHER ONE:

Subscribe to our feed here.

Receive email updates here.

Make sure you comment on this post that you are a member; we'll check and, if you are, you're good to go.  The contest will end November 30, 2010.  Just in time for the holidays!  This is the first of several updates that will keep the contest interesting.

Don't forget that we giveaway lots of DVDs HERE.  Try your hand at those!

If you have a Kindle or an iPad, visit here for our new eBooks!

Good luck!


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  1. thund3rbox said...

    Liked and liked. :)

  2. muischasidisc said...

    on twiiter/haidav & facebook

  3. Mommy Moment said...

    I liked it on Facebook!
    Trevor Jody Arsenault

  4. Mommy Moment said...

    I shared on facebook! http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=539271018

  5. Mommy Moment said...

    I tweeted!

  6. Tara said...

    Liked on FB!

  7. Tara said...

    Tweeted from @taramcclenahan!

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