Buffy the Vampire Slayer Coming Back to the Big Screen
Movie News
By our guest blogger, Daphne Hernandez
Warner Bros. announced yesterday they are bringing “Buffy” back to the silver screen, almost 20 years after the original became a cult classic among fans and inspired the popular television series.
There are a few changes to this reboot, including perhaps the most surprising revelation that Joss Whedon will not be involved with the film. Whedon wrote the original screenplay that starred Kristy Swanson as the vampire slayer and 90’s teen heartthrob Luke Perry as her love interest. The film inspired the pop culture phenomenon of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” series that took the ditz out of the character and put Sarah Michelle Gellar on the map. The popularity of the show even fueled the “Angel” spinoff starring David Boreanaz.
The new screenplay will be written by Whit Anderson and be dually produced by Atlas Entertainment’s Charles Roven and Steve Alexander and Vertigo Entertainment’s Doug Davison and Roy Lee.
"Whit approached us with an exciting idea about how to update Buffy," Roven said. "There is an active fan base eagerly awaiting this character's return to the big screen. We're thrilled to team up with Doug and Roy on a re-imagining of Buffy and the world she inhabits. ... She'll be just as witty, tough and sexy as we all remember her to be."
Very little is known of the direction this version will take, but don’t expect Buffy to whoop some undead ass in-between studying for the SATs. This “Buffy” will reportedly not be set in high school like the original film and series were.
Roven does have a point--“Buffy” fans are diehard and have been craving another installment since the series ended in 2003. Yet how receptive will they be with Whedon out of the picture?
Expect “Buffy” to hit theaters late 2011 or 2012.
November 24, 2010 at 1:31 PM
without Joss, I will NEVER EVER see it...not in the theatre, not rental, not even if it was FREE! this is a stupid idea. the fanbase wants more Buffy/Angel because of Joss & what he made it...i predict i won't be the only 1 to boycott it. the Whedonverse is loyal but not when someone steals Joss' idea & cuts him out of the project. i hope they lose so much money that these idiots can't even get a job working on stupid projects like Twilight.
No Joss=No Buffy
November 25, 2010 at 2:30 AM
no way! it just can't happen. it won't work without whedon.
November 25, 2010 at 11:36 AM
If Joss Whedon isn't involved I fear this will be a crap.
I will have to know more about this film or at least see a preview before I can decide if I'll see it or not.
Even if I am a Joss fanboy I can't pass up a decent action flick.