GIVEAWAY: Gene Simmons Family Jewels: Season 5 on DVD
Own it on DVD December 21, 2010!
Thanks to our friends at the A&E for this opportunity!
Product description: "Legendary rock god Gene Simmons returns with his unconventional family for another wildly entertaining season of GENE SIMMONS FAMILY JEWELS. From a major health scare for Shannon, to Sophie s high school graduation, to Gene s 60th and Nick s 21st birthdays, SEASON FIVE gives fans an unprecedented look at the many adventures and milestone moments that make the family so cohesive. Plus, with everything going on at home, KISS has been in the midst of a sold-out world tour viewers will get an all-access pass to the tour, meeting up with Gene in several cities. This season also features Nick playing with KISS members Tommy Thayer (lead guitar), Eric Singer (drums) and dad on bass at Comic-Con for the launch of his newest graphic novel, Incarnate, which Nick both wrote and drew; Sophie looking at colleges; Gene touring his roots in New York City; and a very emotional experience at the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam.
DISC 1: Shannon the Brave (one-hour episode) / Waiting is the Hardest Part / The Demon Turns 60 / KISStastrophe (one-hour episode) / Like Father, Like Son / Gene Gets Punked
DISC 2: Don t Mess with the Simmons / Gene the Croc Hunter / Smarty Pants / The Best 100th Episode Ever (one-hour) / Hunks with Hammers / Love Thy Neighbor / Detroit Rock Mommies
DISC 3: Pest Control / The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth / Gene's Evil Twin / For the Love of Rock / Bonus
BONUS FEATURES: Additional Footage."
The contest will end on January 31, 2010.
We are giving away FIVE copies.
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Entered the Gene Simmons Season 5 DVD Contest! Win by following @WeekinRewind and RT. He follows back!
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Good luck!
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