“Winter in Wartime” Movie Trailer Review
Movie Trailer Review
By our guest blogger, Joe Oliveto
Most war films tell the story from the point of view of the soldiers. The battles are where the so-called action is, and if you’re trying to make a statement—be it one condemning war or one praising our fallen heroes—it makes sense to depict those who suffer the most.
And yet, it is important to not overlook how war affects children, especially when the bloodshed may be occurring in their own backyard. “Winter in Wartime” looks as though it will be one of those rare films that approaches this topic and explores it thoroughly.
The story appears to involve a young boy assisting a British soldier whose plane crashed in enemy territory. To be fair, from what we are able to glean from the trailer, it appears that this film might be another movie that makes the mistake of perceiving an endless well of innocence and goodness in children; sure, they are less world-weary than most adults, but saving a life when it means putting your own at risk is never an easy choice, and it would be a shame to dismiss this reality by chalking the boy’s goodness up to the “natural virtue” of children.
But we can’t expect a trailer to condense all of the film’s depth into the space of two minutes, so, giving “Winter in Wartime” the benefit of the doubt, it does look like a war film that has a strong perspective to offer. Even if the death of innocence isn’t a new theme, but it’s one that tends to yield great storytelling.
Visually, the movie looks gorgeous, with the sense of winter nearly tangible simply from the images alone. It may be worth seeing this simply to be reminded of how powerful a camera can be.
“Winter in Wartime” is a foreign film, so it may be difficult to catch in American theaters, but most states have a few good independent theaters whose owners actively seek out these kinds of pictures. It may be worth a trip.
View the trailer below. Thoughts?
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