Thursday, March 13, 2025

Spielberg TV Series Terra Nova Meets Further Delays

3/22/2011 Posted by Admin

Spielberg TV Series Terra Nova Meets Further Delays

Television News

By our guest blogger, Nick Hanover

Deadline announced earlier this week that "Terra Nova," Steven Spielberg's new sci-fi adventure series for Fox, would be delayed further and will not be ready in time for its planned May preview. Fox has pinned quite a bit of hope on the series, which is likely to be one of the most expensive TV shows in history. The May preview for "Terra Nova" was so important to Fox that it bumped both "American Idol" and "Glee," two of Fox's most successful shows.

Fox is citing issues with the special effects needed to make the series work as the reason behind the new delay, but there are other issues with the show that might be at play as well. As Deadline reported last fall, "Terra Nova" producer David Fury left the show over creative differences, with many speculating that it had to do with the divisive reputation of showrunner Brannon Braga. Not too long after, the show fired its entire writing staff supposedly in order to save costs due to the show's air date getting bumped from January of this year to later this fall.

It's clear that Fox is hoping Spielberg can lend his magic touch to the show and save it from disaster but considering that Braga is the sole remaining creative force on board the chances that the show will overcome these hurdles may be small. Braga, previously responsible for attempted "Lost" successor turned epic fail "FlashForward," isn't exactly known for his hit-making prowess.

But, hey, dinosaurs!

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