Wednesday, March 26, 2025

American Idol Season 10, Episode 35 – The Top 3 Have Finally Been Revealed

5/13/2011 Posted by Admin

American Idol Season 10, Episode 35 – The Top 3 Have Finally Been Revealed

Television Review

By our guest blogger, Catherine Fuentes

I am two thirds elated with the American Idol Top 3, and one third very unhappy. But the two thirds are quite amazing: No matter what happens next week, one of my favorites – and a female! – will appear in the finals. In a season where the girls were knocked down early on in rapid succession like dominoes, the fact that the final three is two third female is pleasantly shocking.

Yes, that means Haley and Lauren are the two thirds of the final three that I am absolutely thrilled about. Lauren was the first to make it to safety, and I felt that was a huge relief. After last week, I didn’t think she could handle the emotional suspense of waiting in jeopardy, so I’m glad the producers threw her a bone and saved her first.

Haley was next, which was nice, because it was a real “girl power” moment, and I realized there was a 50% chance that Scotty would be going home. Of course, I couldn’t get the ideal Top Three, and James Durbin was sent home.

I haven’t always been the most vocal supporter of James, but I think he was the most polished performer of the Idol bunch, and I enjoyed seeing his pop-friendly take on metal music. As James reminded us, "I did so much stuff that's never been done on this show before. In my eyes, in my mind, I did what I came here to do. Gave metal a chance." That is what this show is all about. And as Ryan reminded us on Wednesday night, Chris Daughtry was eliminated after the Top 4, and look how successful he is! Plus, given that Daughtry is the resident Idol rocker, I think James will be just fine. I think he’s impressed everyone he’s worked with, and Jimmy Iovine, Steven Tyler and Randy Jackson will be looking to help him any way they can. This isn’t the last we’ve seen of James Durbin, and thank god for that.

I’ve already shared my thoughts on Scotty, but to add some positivity: I am excited to see his return to North Carolina. In fact, that is the hometown visit I am most excited to see, so that counts for something! I just hope returning home somehow makes him drop his phony and creepy performance eye-gazes and way of holding the mic. (Or maybe the inclusion of Scotty makes an all-girl finals really possible? Hopefully?)

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  1. pitboss said...

    AI has lost me forever with James going home. There is no way anyone in the competition is better than James. Sites like and the fact someone could program slamming internet votes is testimony the best will not win.

  2. Anonymous said...

    I will admit that at first I didn't care much for Haley but then she began to grow on me until she, Casey and James became my favorites. It's a bummer that Casey won't be in the final as in my opinion he was the most creative and now James is gone which was a shocker. But, on the bright side I think that Haley has great a chance of winning now and I hope that it happens for her. She is the best of the three and I really don't care much for either Lauren or Scotty.
