Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Danny Boyle to Film Heist Thriller

5/12/2011 Posted by Admin

Danny Boyle to Film Heist Thriller

Movie News

By our guest blogger, Joe Oliveto

Is there any genre that Danny Boyle can’t tackle? Whether telling the story of hopeless addicts, homeless slum kids, or the zombie apocalypse, he consistently delivers quality entertainment that blends true heart with genuine thrills. You walk out of a Danny Boyle film feeling reinvigorated. He reminds us that movies are meant to provide blissful entertainment that allows us to forget about our mundane realities, and over the past few years, he hasn’t failed to live up to that promise.

Now Deadline reports that he’ll be working on “Trance” this summer, an art-heist film, and we can only imagine how exciting that will be. However, because he’s also scheduled to direct the opening ceremonies of next summer’s Olympics, so he won’t get around to editing the film until he’s finished with those duties; it doesn’t look like the movie will see the light of day until 2013.

While we’re very excited to learn that Boyle has been bestowed the honor of working on the Olympics, as movie buffs, we can’t claim to be wildly enthusiastic about that news. Boyle’s style is purely cinematic, and while we’re curious to see what he can do in a different format, we’re also going to be honest and admit that few people tune into the Olympics to admire the creativity of the opening ceremonies. Most folks would just rather see their country emerge victorious from an event.

Still, Boyle is a relentless director who is constantly at work on one project or another, so we think it’s fair to give him a break from the world of movies to dedicate his talents towards a new creative outlet. While we’d probably rather see him finish up “Trance” quickly or take control of something like “28 Months Later” (we can dream, right?), we’ve still got films like “127 Hours” or “Trainspotting” to return to during the interim.

Hey, maybe by the time he returns to filmmaking, he will have reconciled with Ewan McGregor. Now that would be exciting.

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