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Stephenie Meyer’s ‘The Host’ Heading to the Big Screen

5/14/2011 Posted by Admin

Stephenie Meyer’s ‘The Host’ Heading to the Big Screen

Movie News

By our guest blogger, Joe Oliveto

Despite a clear inability to craft a decent sentence, Stephenie Meyer certainly knows how to tap into the hearts of young girls everywhere. That’s what propelled her “Twilight” novels to sales most hard-working writers don’t even dream of, and that’s what allowed the films based on the books to succeed at the box office.

So, of course, it’s no surprise that another novel of Meyer’s, “The Host,” is getting the big screen treatment. According to Deadline, Andrew Niccol has been hired to direct the film with Saoirse Ronan in the starring role.

Wow, with talent like that involved, against all odds, this might actually be pretty good. As a filmmaker, Niccol has remained fairly under-the-radar, but he’s delivered some great speculative fiction to our screens since he hit the scene, writing and directing films like “Gattaca” and penning an early, less comedy-centric script for “The Truman Show.” He might be able to bring something special to the table.

Of course, Saoirse Ronan is quickly establishing herself as a strong young performer who can play a wide range of roles. Casting couldn’t be better.

Still, it’s based on a Stephenie Meyer novel, so we’re not going to get too excited about this one. While it might be better than any of the “Twilight” films, that doesn’t exactly mean it will be great.

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