Unaccompanied Minors: DVD Review (2007)

8/07/2007 Posted by Admin

Follows a quirky bunch of six kids--all from broken homes, all a younger mix of "The Breakfast Club"--who are stranded at a Midwest airport due to a major snowstorm.

It's Christmas. The kids are bored. Airport security (led by Lewis Black) is a tight-fisted drag. What's the best gift these kids can give each other and themselves? Beyond their friendship, naturally they give the gift of mayhem, even if in this movie, it's mostly uninspired.

Designed only for the youngest of children, who might be roused by the silly action, or perhaps for John Hughes, who might delight in the fact that his influence continues to color the landscape.

Rated PG. Grade: C

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  1. Anonymous said...

    I loved your blog. Thank you.