What Dreams May Come: Movie, DVD, HD DVD Review

8/10/2007 Posted by Admin

Has two things going for it--its spectacular, Academy Award-nominated special effects, which look terrific on HD DVD, and the fact that it ends.

Everything else about this ridiculous, three-hanky film sends it sharply into nightmare.

Robin Williams is Chris Nielsen, a pediatrician who seems to be a magnet of bad luck. Not only have he and his wife, Annie (Annabella Sciorra), lost their family dog to that great hydrant in the sky, but their two children have been killed in a car accident, which, after Annie suffers a nervous breakdown and is eventually recuperated by her husband’s love, is precisely how Chris himself dies.

It’s all too much for Annie, who eventually commits suicide, but that casts her soul into eternal damnation, from which her devoted husband--now an angel--must save her.

Can you stand it?

With Cuba Gooding Jr. already dead as Chris’ guide to the otherworld, that brings this film’s death toll up to six.

Sound like fun? You’ve been warned.

Rated PG-13. Grade: D

View a clip from the movie below. Boo!

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