Myrna Loy and William Powell Collection

8/10/2007 Posted by Admin

As an onscreen couple, Myrna Loy and William Powell, best known for their collaborations as the happily drunk Nick and Nora Charles in the many "Thin Man" movies, were beautifully shallow, sophisticated--and smart.

This new collection of five films from Warner deepens their screen relationship by showcasing the duo's other films, two of which were the 1934 dramas "Manhattan Melodrama" and "Evelyn Prentice," the latter of which featured Rosalind Russell in her first feature film.

The comedies that follow--1937's "Double Wedding," 1940's "I Love You Again," and 1941's outstanding "Love Crazy"--are so giddy, the plots become almost secondary to the chemistry blistering between Powell and Loy.

Theirs was one of the great screen romances.

Grade: A-

Below is a clip from "Love Crazy":

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