Viva Las Vegas/Jailhouse Rock: HD DVD Review, Blu-ray Review

9/28/2007 Posted by Admin

"Jailhouse Rock"
"Viva Las Vegas"

Just out on HD DVD and Blu-ray disc are “Viva Las Vegas” and “Jail House Rock,” two swell throwbacks for the Elvis fan, with each release receiving a nice technical lift given that sound quality is superior in high definition.

For these movies, the remastered soundtracks prove a bonus, particularly since in each, Elvis is given to launching into enthusiastic bouts of song.

In “Vegas,” the King waxes cute opposite Ann-Margret--and a muscle car. In “Rock,” he shoots for recording stardom after a flamboyant stint in the big house. But will he forget his friends along the way?

The songs and the stagy performances remain the selling points of each movie, but so does the kitsch, which still defines these films--and which still serves them well.

Grades: "Jailhouse": B+; "Vegas": B+

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