My Name is Earl: Season 2: DVD Review

9/28/2007 Posted by Admin

"My Name is Earl: Season 2"

Just out is the second season of "My Name is Earl," the affable, offbeat comedy that finds Jason Lee’s Earl still working through his list of self-improvements while trying to get his life back on track. For him, that means righting the wrongs in his sorry life, though this season is something of a departure.

It doesn’t always rely on the hook found in the premiere season--structuring each episode around Earl’s list. Instead, this season makes an effort to break free from those limitations in an effort to round out the characters.

Cameos abound, with Burt Reynolds, Rosanne Barr, Jenny McCarthy and Christian Slater, among others, all showing up to help Earl improve his karma before it’s too late.

Grade: B

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