Dallas: Complete Eighth Season DVD Review (2008)

2/09/2008 Posted by Admin

"Dallas: Complete Eighth Season"

Proves once again that where there’s oil, there’s drama.

The eighth season of "Dallas"features the usual doses of death, destruction, barbed tongues, backbiting, a kidnapping, kicks to the groin, and even J.R. (Larry Hagman) up to no good in a blackmail scheme that features a prostitute hilariously named Miss Cummings. Seriously.

As for Miss Ellie, Donna Reed assumes the role long played by Barbara Bel Geddes, who was out sick for most of the season.

Turns out she missed plenty.

Amid all the fireworks, the alcoholic benders and adulteries, this is the season in which Bobby and Pam fall in love again, only to have their renewed hopes and dreams dashed when Bobby bites the big one in the fiery season finale.


Grade: B

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