Diablo Cody's Shoes for the Oscars? Worth $1 Million

2/22/2008 Posted by Admin

Stripper heels aren't what they used to be, kids.

The above shoes will be worn at the Academy Awards by Diablo Cody, the gifted screenwriter of Juno who, as we all know by now, once warmed poles as a stripper. Brass poles, silly. Presumably not the other kind.

Made by Stuart Weitzman, who is, like, the most glittering cobbler ever, the shoes have 1,800 diamonds and are worth $1 million. That's right--$1 million. Clearly, these diamonds aren't from the QVC. These are the real deal and Diablo will be strutting down the red carpet in them. Who wants to bet some jealous bitch trips her up? Probably Carrie Bradshaw.

Oh, to have had Diablo's year.

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  1. Anonymous said...

    I love you, Christopher.