Thursday, March 13, 2025

Director Sydney Pollack Dies

5/26/2008 Posted by Admin

This is truly sad news. Director Sydney Pollack has died of cancer at the age of 73. As a director, he was among the most influential. Pollack directed the following:  

Out of Africa
The Interpreter
Absence of Malice
The Way We Were
Three Days of the Condor
They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
The Firm...among so many others.

And then there was his acting career and all the films he produced. Talk about your triple threat. He had it all. I'll really miss him and all that he gave.

A rotten way to begin the week.

From the AP:

An agent for actor and director Sydney Pollack says the Academy Award winner has died. He was 73.

Agent Leslee Dart says Pollack died of cancer Monday afternoon at his home in Pacific Palisades. She says Pollack was surrounded by family.

Pollack appeared in some of the films he directed, including the gender-bending hit "Tootsie," which starred Dustin Hoffman. Pollack won producing and directing Oscars for "Out of Africa" in 1985.

Thank you, Sydney.

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  1. Anonymous said...

    I think my favourite movie of his was Tootsie! He will be missed, that's for sure!

    Rest in Peace Sydney